Introducing the Reach Wellness Index

Introducing the Reach Wellness Index

Do you ever wish for a crystal ball to know how they're really doing?

Beginning in 2021, Reach schools will have the ability to view and analyze the big picture of Social and Emotional Wellness for both their students and faculty directly in Reach.

The capacity for schools to accurately quantify the emotional well-being of their communities is more important than ever in the uncertain times of our post-COVID world.

The RWI is a collection of data points from a variety of sources and Reach partnerships that provide schools with visibility into community wellness and insights for improving the student experience. Utilizing both qualitative and quantitative data results, your team will be better equipped to know your students and staff and help create a healthier community.

How it works

Challenge Success surveys have been administered to over 250,000 students, across a range of schools, focusing on a wealth of topics including student connection, engagement with learning, and mental health.

Through the process, anonymized data is collected from user-friendly surveys of students, staff, and parents via the Reach mobile app or via direct email link. Experts from Challenge Success will analyze the results of the surveys and through tabulation, will display a dashboard of the results in the Reach Wellness Index, highlighting key response areas and data that will help you understand your community from different vantage points.  

Beyond the Dashboard in Reach, Team Members from Challenge Success will provide a one-hour video conference debrief with your team to review the analysis and your school’s results. This debrief will offer expert advice on how to interpret the data, and how best to address any opportunities or concerns highlighted through the discovery process.

Remote students are more stressed than their peers in the classroom, study shows

The study by NBC News and Challenge Success is one of the first to shed light on differences between students who are online-only and those in classrooms.

NBC News   (Read the article)

Who is Challenge Success?

Challenge Success, a non-profit organization affiliated with Stanford University’s Graduate School of Education, partners with schools, families, and communities to embrace a broad definition of success and to implement research-based strategies that promote student well-being, equity, and engagement with learning.

Check out the information webinar

Challenge Success | Reach Student Life Webinar from Reach Student Life on Vimeo .

This webinar details information about the Challenge Success | Reach Student Life Partnership and the Reach Wellness Index. For more information, please visit