ARTICLE: Syncing data from Kamar to Reach

ARTICLE: Syncing data from Kamar to Reach

Reach can integrate with Kamar using a data connection that processes daily in order to consume data that Kamar makes available for Reach.

The most common setup for this data sync is for Reach to automatically receive student and parent contact information from Kamar. This means that you do not need to manually import new student data into Reach. As new students are added to Kamar and identified as active boarding students they will automatically update into Reach.

How to set up a Kamar data sync to Reach

First steps:

  1. Determine if you have any existing data in your Reach portal that needs to be prepared. It is critical that any existing students in Reach have their student ID numbers set in Reach so that they can be mapped to align with their student number in Kamar.
  2. Determine if there will need to be any filtering on which students are loaded into your portal. For example:
    1. Particular Grade/Years, or Dorms/Houses?
    2. Boarding students only, all students, or what groups of students?
  3. Determine if the default mapping of House into Dorm/House in your portal makes sense.Often the "House" names in Kamar do not align with the boarding house names (Dorms) and this needs to be reviewed in the process of the setup so we can determine if residential house data is available in Kamar or if it needs to be managed manually in Reach.
  4. Determine if you would like to enable the syncing of Photos.
Then, reach out to us on our Support portal, or by email to with your request to set up a Kamar data sync to your Reach portal. After confirming the above details with you, we will be able provide you with a Data Sync Key for your Reach portal to enable support for data syncs from KAMAR.

Final setup:

1.  Add a Listening Service within KAMAR (see:, with the following options:
  1. Address: "/KamarSync" (for example
  2. Port: 443
  3. Check JSON (not XML)
  4. Username, Password: Your portal's Data Sync Name and Key (both to be provided as above).
2.  “Check and Enable”, to confirm that all of the above was correct.

3.  You can then enable the details that will be sent to your portal. A bare minimum of "required fields" are suggested, and any fields that we are capable of processing should be listed.
  1. We would encourage you to select the bold "required fields" and then enable any other fields that you'd like to appear in your portal.
4.  At this point, you should be all set up. For scheduling, consider a full data sync as potentially disruptive, so we encourage having it run late at night or very early morning.

5.  When you are ready, run a full update, and after a few moments you should see your portal recognise the changes and prompt for you to refresh to see them.

Fields Supported

The following fields can be populated in your portal with data from KAMAR, depending on which details are enabled as above.

Boarder SIS PK

Boarder First name

Boarder Last name

Boarder Gender

Boarder Email

Boarder Mobile

Boarder Year

Boarder House

Boarder House

Boarder Groups

Boarder Username

Boarder Date of Birth

Boarder Address line 1

Boarder Address line 2

Boarder Suburb

Boarder Post code

Contact SIS PK

Contact Relationship

Contact First name

Contact Last name

Contact Email

Contact Mobile

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