ARTICLE: Auto-Pause for scheduled medications

ARTICLE: Auto-Pause for scheduled medications

Automatic pausing of medications is a feature that allows schools to identify which leave types can automatically set a pause to a student’s scheduled prescription medications.

The procedure performs two primary functions;

  1. It automatically pauses a student’s scheduled medications for the duration of their leave, and

  2. It creates a visual alert on the student’s sign out panel in the Kiosk screen to alert staff that medications will be paused. This is also a visual prompter for staff to check if students have collected medications to take with them on leave if required.

How to set a Leave Type to automatically pause medications

For each Leave Type you can set whether sign out to the leave will automatically paus medications. This is available in the General settings tab of each Leave Type, in the Medications setting.

Setting a Leave Type to auto-pause medications will result in auto-pausing of scheduled medications when

  • a student signs out to an approve leave request to a leave type set to auto-pause medications

  • a student signs out to a QuickLeave location where the leave type is set to auto-pause medications

Auto-Pause time is based on actual departure and actual return time

Medications will be paused for the actual duration of a leave.  Pause will begin when a student signs out to the leave type. Pause will cease when the student returns form that leave type.

How auto-paused medications display in your Reach portal

When signing out to an approved leave request a visual alert will display in the leave sign out panel.

When a medication is auto-paused by a leave event it will display in the Scheduled Medications table with a blue pause icon. This is different to a manually paused medications which display with a green pause icon.

Hover on the blue pause icon to see a message that the medication is paused until return from leave. If you would like to know when leave return time is then you can click on the location icon to see where the student currently is and when they are scheduled to return.

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