ARTICLE: Configuring the Medications Module

ARTICLE: Configuring the Medications Module

Medication and students go hand-in-hand as a normal part of student life establishments. Reach created the Medications Module to facilitate this complex element and to provide an all-encompassing solution to your school's medications requirements. 

Configuring the Medications Module

Administering medications to students is a critically important activity that exposes the staff, students, and school to risk. For this reason, Reach has developed this platform to increase the safety of processes in student/medication management and enhance data collection for historical reporting. The Medications Module is a system of security requirements, permission settings, approval processes, and confirmations, to provide an efficient, safe platform to manage the requirements of medication and students. Over time, Reach has gathered extensive and critical information from the industry and the Reach users to continue improving the module, and while these protocols may seem a great deal of work, once set up, they remain in place until a change is required.

Detailed information regarding the Medication Module can be found here: Document / Webinar

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