Consent Forms are part of the Lists module and they allow you to send group or individual consent forms to any group of users in Reach. Whilst we expect that they will be most commonly used to produce consent forms for parents to sign off on, you can also use consent forms to sent to other staff members, students and/or hosts.
Important Notes
- Consent Requests are only visible to contacts with a Reach login, they must login to view the consent form and take action
- A list of current and historic Consent Forms, either approved or declined will be visible within each User's account profile
- Forms can easily be created and edited at any time
- Staff can see the current status of any Consent Form via the Management screen
- If Lists/Forms are not available to an individual login, check the MM_VIS_LISTS item in permissions
Go to: Lists > Consent Form Management
All Consent Forms are listed here and can be updated at any time as required.
If you are tracking the activity of a specific consent form for a one-off event, you can quickly view the data here, with yes/no/pending.
When ready click on the 'Create Consent Form' button.
The following information is required to complete your consent form;
- Form Name
- Reach suggests descriptive names, that may include dates, to ease identification
- Validity Date Range
- Audience (Selector window will open)
- Filter groups in the left panel, select required people in the middle panel by individual select or 'Select All' button
- Once you have your selection, click on 'Add to List', your selection will appear in the right side panel, then click 'Done'
- Consent Form Details
- The rich text editor provides many features to create your form or simply cut and past the wording as required
- When all details have been added and checked, click on 'Save Consent Form'
- Be sure to click on 'Save Changes' from the management screen
- Then confirm your new form has been added to the current list
Tracking Response Data
Go to: Lists > Consent Form Management
Once your consent form has gone live and individuals are taking action, you can follow the data within the consent form.
Open Consent Form Management and click on the required form.
Compared to when you created the form, additional data is now provided.
- The information entered upon creation
- The content added upon creation
- The Stats in detail
- Use the up/down scroll bar & left/right slide bar to view all data
- From the management screen, you can see quick data numbers with yes/no/pending
- Here you can see individually who is approved / declined, and the date of that action
- You can also see who is yet to take action (Pending)
- The Responses section provides a more visual display
- Names and profile pictures can be seen for quick reference
- Green Yes or Red No bubbles show the status of their response
- You can also see the date of action and read their comments, if provided
Go to: Lists > My Consent Forms
Staff members and parents will receive Consent Forms, if they have been added to the 'Audience' of the form.
- staff may be added if their consent is required to attend special events/locations with students
Any forms that appear here require your action to approve or decline the request.
Simply click on a line item and the details will be provided.
Individuals can review the form before they approval or decline.
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