ARTICLE: How to Add Photo to Student, Staff, Parent or Host Profiles

ARTICLE: How to Add Photo to any Profile

Managing profile photographs is quick and simple, let's get into it. 

Image File Requirements

File Type = JPG (Preferred)  or PNG
Image Dimensions = Aspect Ratio of 1:1 (Maximum 300px x 300px)
File Size limit = Les than 2MB

Ensure your photo files are ready to load

Check that your photos show the student as required by your school Head & Shoulders).
Name or number the photo files for ease of storage and searching.
Ensure you know where the photos are located on your computer and in which folder.
Ensure they are the correct format and size.

How to upload an image to any profile

Go to: People Management >> View Contacts

Search for the the required individual, and open their profile. Click on the Photo tab, click on the Browse button and navigate to the folder on your computer containing your photos, select the required image and click open, the image will automatically start to load. Wait a moment and then click on the Save button, a pop-up will advise that the photo is loading, once complete, the image will appear on the page. It is best to refresh your Reach browser session, to ensure the files have loaded, before they will appear across Reach.
This process works for any profile within your Reach portal, staff, students, parents, and hosts.
When adding a new host, the parents can authorise this new adult by providing contact information and a photo.
This increases the level of safety and security for the school staff and the student during sign in and sign out.                                                  

Bulk Upload options

Secure Drop

The Reach SecureDrop facility can be used to deposit a compressed zip file of your student images to be imported. 
This method will load a large number of photos to your schools File Manager for later use.

Prepare your files as per the requirements provided at the start of this document.
Additional Requirement - PK Number
 - Please ensure that your file name convention is the Student's PK number.
 - Within each profile, under the Security tab, a PK number is provided
 - Use this number to name the files to be connected to each profile
Eg, Sarah has PK Number 6, use this to name her profile photo on your computer

Then, go to  follow the prompts and deposit your zip file.
These files are then available within your Reach portal.
Go to: Data Management >> File Manager

Photo Uploader

This method is used to load profile photos and attach them to the required profiles in a bulk manner.
GO TO:    Data Management > Bulk Photo Upload

This uploader function can be used to drag & drop, or click to search for your folder.
Select all photo items required and add them to the uploader. 
NOTE: Zip files will not load, you need to load the image files                                             

The provided table will list your selected images, naming your files correctly becomes important here, as the File Name column shows your information.
The Contact column will show the list of the people available, simply select the required person per file, all the way down the list.
Then click the green Upload button, depending on how many files are required to upload, this could take a few moments.
An alert will appear in the top right of the screen to update you of progress, once complete, its best to check the profiles.
It is recommended to refresh your Reach browser session and then view the required profiles to check the images.

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