ARTICLE: How to Create a Leave Request - Staff
Creating a Leave Request
You can create a
Leave Request on behalf of a student by selecting the Leave Management menu and Create New Leave Request menu item from the left side menu.
You can also navigate to create a new leave request from the Manage Leave screen by selecting the Add New Leave button.
Selecting the
Create New Leave Request menu item will open the
Leave Request Details
screen which sets out the details for a leave request update or submission.
Boarder Name
is where you select the name of the student for whom leave is being requested.
Leave Type
is the type of leave you are requesting from the drop down menu.
Leave Departure Time
is the time and date that the student intends to depart from the school.
Note: Some leave types may have pre-set restrictions on when they can be taken and this will be reflected in the departure time that can be selected for that leave type.
Method of Transport (Leave)
is a drop down selector. Select the most appropriate transport method being used for the student's departure from school.
Return Time
is the time and date that the student is expected to return to the school house.
Method of Transport (Return) is a drop down selector. Select the most appropriate transport method being used for the student's return to school.
are only parents and pre-approved hosts who are already installed on the Reach system and associated with be displayed for selection in this field.
If the host that you want to select for a leave event is not on the selection list this is because either
the host has not been installed onto the Reach system or
they have not been associated with the boarder as an approved host.
is the leave destination. Keep this description short and descriptive. Additional details about a destination can be added to the Notes field below.
is the field where you can enter any relevant details relating to this leave request that may be helpful for the actors involved in manage approval for this request understand the details of the plan appropriately.
Note: Some leave types will have some compulsory notes associated with the leave type. Air Flights for example will require you to enter the flight details so that transport to the airport can be arranged to meet the flight departures and arrivals.
Staff-only Notes is the field where you can enter any relevant details relating to this leave request that may be helpful for the Boarding Staff to manage this request appropriately - These notes are only viewable by staff and they cannot be seen by students or parents.
Sticky Notes is a notification system that allows you to prevent sign out until the notes are acknowledged by students or staff during the sign out procedure.
Attached Files
is the section that allows for the uploading of relevant documents for the travel plans. This could include a confirmation for a flight, train or bus.
Leave Additional Information
is the section that provides a summary of the leave request key details for quick reference.
Note: Some leave types will have some compulsory notes associated with the leave type. Air Flights for example will require you to enter the flight details so that transport to the airport can be arranged to meet the flight departures and arrivals.
State is indicating whether the leave request is currently pending, approved or rejected. Generally, this will always be set to pending when creating a leave request for a student.
Note: Setting a leave to approved at creation without approval from the required actors in the approval process is not recommended as a best-practice and the system will log it as an override associated to that particular staff member.
is the section for indicating if this is a repeating event and the frequency of the repeated event. This allows for one leave request to be submitted and approved for the duration of the commitment and required leave dates.
Note: The ability to select a recurring leave is based on your school's system settings and policies. As a result, this ability may not be available when submitting a leave request.
Leave Audit Trail
provides a list of people involved in the request and approval for any event and any actions that they have taken for the event.
Save / Cancel / Delete
-- Be sure to save your leave request when you have completed the details.
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