ARTICLE: Scheduling OTC Medicines

ARTICLE: How to Schedule OTC Medication

OTC medications may, at some time, be prescribed for a student by a doctor or nurse to treat an illness or injury.  In these instances, the OTC medication must be set as a prescribed medication with the required data, in the Student's Profile. This will enable the item to appear in the Dispensary as a Scheduled item to be administered.

Over The Counter (OTC)
These are medical products that are available from a pharmacist, without the need for prescription paperwork .

Listed as PMO
Firstly, ensure the medication item, while an OTC item, is also listed as a PMO item. 
If your required medication is listed as a PMO, then add the medication to be scheduled
Go To: People Management >> View Contacts >> Student Profile >> Medical Tab >> Medications Tab 
Then, follow the steps provided in the How to Add Prescription Medication as detailed in the Student Medical System Setup section of this document 
NOT Listed as PMO
If the required OTC medication is only listed as OTC, then it must be set as a PMO before it can be added and scheduled for the student.

Firstly, if a PMO Medication Category has not been setup for OTC items to be listed as PMO's, this must also be done.
Go To: System Configurations >> Lookups
Then, follow the steps provided in the How to Create Medication Categories as detailed in the Medications System Setup section of this document 

Secondly, if the OTC item has not been listed as a PMO item, this must also be done.
Go To: System Configurations >> Medications
Then, follow the steps provided in the How to Create Medications as detailed in the Medications System Setup section of this document 

Go To: People Management >> View Contacts >> Student Profile >> Medical Tab >> Medications Tab 
Then, follow the steps provided in the How to Add Prescription Medication as detailed in the Student Medical System Setup section of this document 

Detailed information regarding the Medication Module can be found here: Document / Webinar

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