ARTICLE: Location Capacity Monitor

ARTICLE: Location Capacity Monitor

Track Location Capacity for Physical Distancing

Physical distancing measures for monitoring and managing Covid-safe facilities means the rooms and locations have to be managed with capacity limits.  To assist with this Reach has introduced a new feature for location management called Location Capacity Monitor. This allows you to monitor the number of people at any location in real time and provide you with alerts which are triggered when your locations are reaching or have exceeded capacity.

Real-Time Monitoring

When location capacities are set in Reach real-time monitoring of populations at each location is automatic and displayed in your Reach portal as

  • A traffic light display in your header bar, and
  • A population count in the Kiosk location legend

How to Set a Location Capacity

Setting a capacity for a location is done in the Location configuration Details screen.  Simply add the capacity limit for the location in the Maximum Capacity field.  Any location that has a maximum capacity set will then be monitored in real time in Reach automatically.

The capacity limits alerts are only relevant if you have physical distancing requirements that you want to monitor
If you set high capacity limits (eg: 500) then the alerts will never be triggered and the useful kiosk location counts will still be displayed 

Kiosk Count Display

In the locations legend of your Kiosk screen a live count for the number of people at the location will be displayed. When a population warning trigger is activated this will display as a colored icon beside the location name.  

This is only visible when you are in the Kiosk view of your Reach portal and only locations that have a maximum capacity set will display a count.

Capacity Traffic Light Indicator

The Capacity traffic light indicator is visible in the header bar of your Reach portal at all times regardless of the screen that you are using in Reach.

The traffic lights will display the number of locations that are:

Hovering on any color within the traffic light indicator will provide a list of locations that are relevant to that status.

Location Capacity Monitor

Dashboards > Location Capacity Monitor
The Location Capacity Monitor provides a real-time snapshot of all the current capacity numbers for locations both on and off campus, including any relevant color indicators for locations that are currently close to or at capacity based on the location's Maximum Capacity configurations. 

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