ARTICLE: Locations and How they Work in Reach
Location Details
Selecting a location from System Configurations: Locations will display that locations' details. There are a variety of tabs within location details that configure different elements of functions for the location within Reach.
Details Tab
- Label is the name of the location.
- Set whether the location is On or Off Campus
- Set the display Colour for the location
- Set whether the location uses Flexi-Time as an option (see the article regarding Flexi-Time to learn more about this feature ARTICLE: Flexi-Time for Quick Leave Locations)
- Set whether the location requires a Maximum Capacity (see the article regarding Location Capacities to learn more about this feature ARTICLE: Location Capacity Monitor)
- Set whether this location be scanned via a Kiosk or a System Identifier (QR or NFC) to allow a boarder to SISO To Leave
- Set whether or not the location Requires Student PIN
- Set whether or not the location Requires Staff PIN
- Shortcode is the 3 digit ShortCode that you can use for this location in small device displays
- Set whether this location is visible
- Set whether contacts be deactivated when they SISO to this location (used with Rotas)
Leave Details - Creating QUICK LEAVE Locations
For each location you can set some leave defaults that will record a pre-approved leave event for the student when they sign out to that location.
This allows you to include an Allowed Time at a location (based on grade and day of the week), the Leave Type Association and the commonly used Transport Type for departure and return and the location.
If you set the default leave details for a location then Reach will create a Leave Request each time a student signs out to that location.
The Allowed Time will be used by Reach to determine and report the estimated return time of a student who has SISO'd to that location and the student will appear on your Airport Screen with a designated return time. The setting time is in minutes and you can set different default times for each year group.

Setting Leave Default details creates a Leave Event
When an allowed time is set then Reach will treat a SISO to that location as a leave event. When a student SISOs to that location a Leave Request will be automatically generated and the student will appear on the Airport view of your portal with their expected return time identified.

For each location you can restrict its availability to any student group or combination of student groups. By using Contact Flags you can even restrict the location availability to an individual.
Simply select the availability of each location using the filters available.
Reach allows you to create quotas for Leave and other events with consequences that are customizable.
Any event in Reach can act as a trigger to count towards a quote. The most obvious use of Quotas is for the number of leave type events or late leave requests that a student may apply for in a semester or other defined period. Other trigger examples may be Absent records in RollCall, Negative Pastoral Notes. See the linked Knowledge Base article for information on how to configure Quotas in System Configurations (
ARTICLE: Setting Quotas in Reach)
Curfews can be linked to a location to determine when the location will be visible for students to select as a location to sign out to through Kiosks or through Quick Leave in the Reach mobile app or the Quick Leave widget in the students' Reach user website. You can set different curfews for each grade and set curfews based on the day of the week.
See the linked Knowledge Base article for information on how to configure Curfews in System Configurations (ARTICLE: Curfews for Locations and Quick Leave)
You have the ability to set the longitude and latitude coordinates of a specific location within Reach.
Static QR
In addition to Dynamic QR Codes that can be used with dedicated kiosk screens, you have the ability to assign a Static QR Codes to a location, allowing for students and staff to SISO via QR Scan to locations where it might not be possible to have a device for a dedicated kiosk screen. Dynamic QR Codes refresh every 10 seconds with a new QR Code, whereas Static QR Codes remain active until a set expiration date, allowing schools to have Static QR Codes printed and displayed in various places around their campus.
See the linked Knowledge Base article for information on how to configure Static QR in System Configurations (ARTICLE: Static QR for Locations)
SISO Notifications
SISO Notifications are used to send a message to parents, hosts and any specific contacts after students SISO to this location. Only alert profiles which are set up to trigger 5 minutes or more after the SISO action, and have one profile item are allowed to be used here.
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