ARTICLE: Manage Staff Roster Access

ARTICLE: Manage Staff Roster Access

The Roster Management module provides a simple display with easy functionality to create staff shifts, and edit or delete them quickly. To use the roster system, we must manage the staff access, this is done via Infinity settings and individual staff profiles.

Infinity Settings

GO TO: Main Menu >> System Configuration >> Infinity

Click on the blue 'Edit' icon for the line item of the staff required.
In this example, we will select Catering.

Select the 'Permissions' tab from the left side
Scroll down to 'Roster' and ensure ROSTER_MANAGER is highlighted

Scroll up and click on 'General'
Be sure to Save

Individual Profile Settings

GO TO: Main Menu >> People Management >> View Contacts >> Individual Profile >> Roster Tab

This method controls which roster an individual has access to manage.
Simply select or deselect the required items, these can be updated at any time.
Be sure to save your changes.

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