ARTICLE: Medication - Access Controls - System Configuration

ARTICLE: Medication - Access Controls - System Configuration

Security is critical when it comes to managing medicines, handling private medical information, and administering medications to students.

Staff by Role - Initial Setup 

Each new account in Reach must have its Role set in its Personal Profile when it is created, this may include students, parents, hosts, and guardians. However, this is more important with Staff in Reach, as each Role determines their access and capabilities within Reach.  
To create a new staff member (account), please view the How-To here; How to Add a New Staff Member 

Administrator Task - update/change staff Role
Go To: People Management >> View Contacts >> Staff Profile >> Security Tab
  1. Once on the Security Tab page, use the Role drop-down menu to select the Role required for that specific staff member
  2. Then click the orange 'Save and Close' button 
NOTE: The updated Role, is the item to search in the Infinity settings in the next step

Staff Medical Access  - Infinity Permissions 

In the first step of the security protocols, an Administrator must access System Configurations to set the Medical Permissions per Role.

Go To: System Configurations >> Infinity
  1. The Infinity Permissions will appear showing the 'Base Security Label' list
  2. These items are generally created during your initial Reach setup process, some items are pre-set by Reach to help get you started, however, all items can be modified at any time
    1. Each line item may group particular staff positions together, some may be singular
    2. To see the staff position list, click on the Roles tab to the left of this screen
    3. Here you can see in the second example image below, that the column heading is 'Role Label', this list of Roles is also seen in People Management as a filter and Personal Profiles as a Role to select and this requires selection when creating a new staff member
    4. The second column, titled 'Base Security' is the group to which that Role belongs
    5. When changing the Infinity Permissions of a 'Base Security' item, this will change all the permissions for all Roles in that group

  1. Back to the Base Security Tab
  2. Click the Blue Edit Icon of the line item that contains the required staff
  3. Your 'Base Security' selection will open in a new Reach Tab
  4. To the left of the page, there are two tabs, General and Permissions

  1. Click the Permissions tab on the left, under General 

  1. The Permissions are grouped into long Dark Blue Tiles, each with a group heading and a bracketed number
    1. The bracketed number shows the number of Permissions that are currently switched on, from the number available Eg, (6/9)  
  2. Click on the MEDICAL Permission tile, this will slide down to reveal the list of Permission controls
    1. Currently, nine (9) items, which will change over time as the Dispensary Module develops and evolves
  3. Toggle each item as required to switch OFF/ON that Permission or use the 'Switch All Items' toggle to turn all OFF/ON

There are five primary Base Security settings that control staff access to medications, the most important being the Med_Cat_Administer setting which must be set to Yes, this enables the User to administer medications. 

The following Permissions can be switched OFF/ON dependant on requirements, please read each Permission explanation carefully;

Controls whether the user is able to create medications in your medications register

Controls whether the user is able to edit medications in your medications register

Determines whether a user is able to allocate or prescribe PMOs to students

Determines whether a user is able to set other users' permissions in regards to administering medications

Determines whether a user is able to administer medications to students

Detailed information regarding the Medication Module can be found here: Document / Webinar

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