ARTICLE: New School Welcome to Reach (North America)

ARTICLE: New School Welcome to Reach (North America)

Welcome to Reach! We are so excited to have you joining the ever-growing community of Reach schools.  This article serves as a reference and checklist to ensure that you will be Reach Ready to start using your new Reach system with your Staff, Students and Parents.


This is what keeps us up at night. We want to ensure that your student, parent and staff data is loaded, accurate and syncing.

Student & Parent Data

  1. If you are syncing with one of our many partners, like Blackbaud, Veracross, Senior Systems, Magnus Health, etc… Not to worry, you should be seeing your students and parents already loaded. If you are having issues, please send an email to .
  2. If you not actively syncing but would like to, we want to help. Start by asking your IT Department to email Evan at .
  3. If you are not syncing and we do a manual upload of your student data, no problem. 
    1. ARTICLE: Loading Student Data Manually
    2. ARTICLE: Bulk Photo Upload
Important: To upload completed data file, use our Securedrop box ( Link )

Staff Data

Reach requires a manual upload of staff.

====> Newest Reach Integration
Reach now integrates with Blackbaud and Veracross to sync Staff data, with more integrations planned for the future.  For more information on Staff Sync integrations, please contact our Support Team at  

System Configuration Set Up

You will need to set up System Configuration Settings for a variety of features, specifically:

Infinity Settings (User Accessibility Permissions)

Creating Base Roles and associated Role Types is important for setting the user experience and restrictions for visibility in the Reach system.  This is how Reach ensures that sensitive information is only available to those who absolutely need to see it.

General System Configurations

Items in the General Configuration relate to the primary settings that apply across all modules in Reach. 


Lookups items needed for looking up specific things in Reach, such as Year/Grade,  Dorm/House, OTC and PMO Medication categories, and AM/PM Registration.


Groups can be used to simplify some tasks in Reach. They filter a population of users so that they can be easily identified for activities such as a notification or a Rollcall.  A group can be any collection of people with a common interest, classification or role in Reach.


Locations are used to be able to record student (and staff) locations on and off your campus.  They can be associated with specific Kiosks, Rollcalls, NFC tags, QR Codes, and Leave Types.  Students (and Staff) can have the ability to change their locations within the Reach mobile app, if enabled by your school. 

Transport Types

Transport Types relate to the options for transportation in Leave Types.  Once a Transport Type is configured in the system, you can configure specific Transport Type for different Leave Types as options of transportation for students to select from in the leave creation process.

Leave General

Leave General settings relate to the primary settings that apply across Leave Types and Leave Processes in Reach.

Leave Types

Leave Types are the leave request forms that students will submit to depart campus.  They can be used for local trips, day trips, host stays and trips home.

Groups Managed for Leave Approvers

Staff who are actors in the approval process for various leave types will need to have their Groups Managed settings in user profiles set to accurately reflect the students for whom they need to approve leave requests.

Rollcall Categories

Rollcall Categories will allow staff to select specific rollcalls for different needs during the day, to record attendance of students at meals, study hall, evening checking, etc. (Live, Standard or AM/PM Registration). 

Duty Report Categories

Duty Report Categories allows for configuring the order of specified duty report categories and allows you to select specific users or role types to receive email notification in a specified category (i.e. Maintenance Notes can be automatically sent to the Maintenance Department Head).

Pastoral Categories

Pastoral Categories/tags help you identify, mark and report on behaviors of students and are useful in Duty Reports and Pastoral Reports.

UDF’s (User Defined Fields)

UDF’s are used to display permissions or important information on the Student Sidebar. Many schools use UDF’s for Driving Permissions, Academic Standing, Allergies, Advisor Name, Roommate. If you are interested in learning more about UDF’s, click here.


Set up and configure Kiosks to be displayed on campus to assist students with updating their locations on and off campus. 

Helpful Features to Know


Reach Student Life Management Mobile App

Welcome Emails to Students, Parents and Staff

You are able to send a welcome email to a large number of new users with information on how to access their Reach account.   

Training Materials

We have developed some handy Start Up Materials that may help.

Online Tutorials

We have created a series of online tutorials offering ‘How To’s’ for Staff.
Student Sidebar ( Link )
Manage Leave ( Link )
Kiosk Screen ( Link )
Duty Report ( Link )

Staff and Student Primers

Quick Reference Articles for Staff and Students:
Staff Primer ( Link )
Student Primer ( Link )
Parent Primer ( Link )

Need Help?

We have created several user support methods for you and your team to review and to help become more familiar with the Reach System.
Reach Support Website  (Link)
Support Email -
Reach Configuration Manual (Link)

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