The recurring feature within creating Leave Requests, allows parents to create a leave item one time for their child, and have it auto recur, and submit itself at regular intervals as per the settings, this is perfect for weekly sport training, regular weekend sport games to play, or after school study clubs, etc
As a parent, login into your Reach web portal and scroll down to 'Current Leave Requests'.
Here we can see there is a current Pending item for Angela.
Click the Create button to get started.
The 'Leave Details' page provides all that is required to create a new item.

Some Leave Types, may not have the recurring option available.
All Leave Types are created and managed by your school.
In this example we can see parent Peggy is creating leave for daughter Angela.
Angela is going Bike Riding, Saturday morning @10am, for 2 hours, the transport is set to walking, as she only needs to walk to the equipment storage facility, the Host is set to 'Not Necessary', and the Destination is 'Regents Park Cycle-Way. This is also added in General Notes with a little more details about the regular group.
The next step down we can see Recursion and Late Meal - these have not been set.
Next step is to click on the Recursion button, and select 'Uses Pattern' from the small drop-down menu.
This opens the Recursion Pattern section to create the setting you require.
In this example we need to select 'Every', as we require the request to Recur every week.
The weekly bike riding is every Saturday morning, so we can select Saturday.
The update here shows that 'Every' is selected, 'Saturday' is selected.
The next step is 'Until Date', the drop-down menu provides two options, to select a date to complete, or a number of times (weeks).
- DATE - this option, click on the box, the calendar appears, select your required date
- X TIMES - this option, a box appears, enter the number of times, or use the up/down arrows
Once complete, please be sure to check all details are correct within the Leave Request details and the Recurrence details.
When correct, click Save, and your Leave Request for the one date occurrence has been submitted.
Based on your Recurrence setting for this item, a Leave Request will auto submit each week for the Saturday event.
Nothing will show in your Reach login, until that next item auto-submits weekly, at that point you can check it if you wish.

Please Note: Recurring leave items are limited to no more than 60 items in a series.