Permissions allows a parent to view, edit, current Medication Permission details quickly. Controls are provided to allow, or deny specific Over-The-Counter (OTC) medications to be administered to individual students. Depending on how a particular school operates, this function may not be in use. If it is, the school may request that these permissions are setup during the enrolment phase, and possibly updated at different times, as required. Please speak directly with your schools administration team to ensure you are aware of their policies.
Parent Account Access
Once you have logged into your Reach account, click
on the Account section of the header bar, which includes your name and possibly profile picture and then click on My account.
My Account opens, again showing your name and profile picture, if already uploaded.
The headings across the top are tab pages to profile controls, accessible by you.
The Personal page is open by default.
To the right side, we can see Parent Permissions is highlighted, click on this tab to open.
The permissions page will open, click anywhere along the 'Medical' header bar to open the student details.
This drop-down shows the student profile, with name/photo/room/dorm/location details.
Scrolling down, the medication items are listed alphabetically down the page.
At the bottom of the list, you can use the page arrows to move to the next page of medications.
Alternately, use the search bar feature to look for a specific medication faster.
If a parent is guardian to more than one student, either as a parent or as a host, the school must first connect these students to your profile within Reach, before you can see them in your login here.
All students connected to you, will be listed separately, just scroll down and identify the student via their profile photo and details.
Medication Permissions
To control the permissions per medication, simply click on the green arrow or red cross beside every medication to adjust its allowance as required, the red and green will change instantly with the click.
Each item can be clicked to update, to allow or deny each specific medication, by default, all items will have a red cross. Once all medication items are updated as required, click on the save button.

NOTE: To select a medication as green ticked will allow the school to administer this Over-The-Counter (OTC) medication to the student to which you have given approval.