ARTICLE: Parent App - Leave Requests

ARTICLE: Parent - Leave Requests General - App

Parents are able to submit, edit and approve/decline leave requests for their student(s) through the Reach Student Life Mobile App. 
The home screen of the Reach Parent App highlights the Activity Metrics, which displays a snapshot of up-coming leave requests and their approval status.

View Existing Leave Items

The main screen shows the Activity Metrics card
 - This displaying the current Pending and Approved items, upcoming leave and provides a Create Leave button
 - Tap on Pending or Approved buttons - to open that view
 - To open Manage Leave, tap on the Leave button on the bottom red menu
Quick filtering is provided by tapping on the four colour bars at the top - Approved, Pending, On Leave and Rejected 
 - The screen will update with each colour tap
Additional filter options are provided along the top of the screen, by tapping on an icon, options are provided, filter required.
Each Leave item is displayed as a card, with some quick data
 - Easily see an at-a-glance base details of each leave request by scrolling down through the items
 - The current status of the approval process is indicated by a colour bar down the left side of the card

Tap on a Leave card to view all details of that item.
The large green colour bar in these images indicates the status of the card - Approved
Four tabs are provided to view more details - Main / Meals / Notes / Audit - tap on the word to open that area

Create New Leave

To create a new leave request, select the plus button in the bottom center of the screen and chose New Leave Request.  Follow the series of prompted screens to input the travel details; Leave Type, Departure and Return Dates/Times, Transportation methods, Host information, Destination and Notes, as well as if it's a reoccurring leave.  Parents have the ability to select multiple legs of transportation for their student's departure and return.  For reoccurring leaves, select the frequency and duration that the leave plans will repeat.   Prior to submitting the leave request, review the leave details and make any changes if needed.

Edit / Approve / Reject

On the Manage Leave screen, tap on the item to manage, then tap on the Note & Pen icon at the top of the screen
The Note & Pen function allows edits to an existing leave request
 - The ability to make edits is managed by your school - please contact them first if required
Editing Leave Requests
 - these screens operate the same as creating an new item, as shown in the images above
 - slide left or right to the required screen  /  update data as required
 - check all data is correct, then tap on FINISHED on the last screen
To edit a leave item, with automatically start the approval process again, sending all emails again to all required parties.

On the Manage Leave screen, tap on the item to manage
 - NOTE: The school manages who is required in the approval process for each Leave Type
 - If you are required to approve or decline a leave request - Two buttons will be provided either side of the profile photo
 - You can review the details before you decide
 - Tap on the Note & Pen icon and review the data
 - To Approve or Reject simply tap the required button either side of the profile photo

You will be presented with a confirmation window.
APPROVE - If correct, tap OK, or Cancel to go back
REJECT - Enter a reason and OK to confirm, to go back, tap on the screen

To Approve or Reject a leave item, will change the status colour of that item across Reach.

Status can not be changed again, if required, please contact your school.

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