Via the mobile app, this section is mostly an information-based area, however, the action of registering attendance can be done.
section below details the functionality of this feature.
You will only see and be able to manage students that you are a parent or guardian to.
In this case, the three sections detailing information for those students are;
- Blue - 'can register’
- Green - ‘are registered’
- Yellow - ‘are waitlisted’ for events available to them

The Communications card is your access to the
Reach Now
feature, with use of two methods;
- Direct Messaging (DM) Chat
- Noticeboards.

To Do's
This card is your access to the Reach Surveys and Lists features.
If a daily survey has been created for you to complete, a pop-up notification will appear once you login to the app.
Tap on the ‘Surveys’ button to access all surveys that have been created for you.
Follow the simple layout to complete and submit.
Tap on the ‘Lists’ button to access the lists that have been created by your school.
Follow the simple layout to complete and submit as required.
The MORE section further details the functionality of Surveys And Lists within the mobile app.
Reach Events was created to provide an efficient management tool to organise, share, and manage recreation activities, excursions, or events being held by your school.
If your school has not added the Events extension module to your Reach portal OR the module is turned off, the configuration or viewing options will be disabled.
Via the mobile app, this section is mostly an information-based area, however, the actions of registering/managing attendance can be done here. It is designed to show the Events relevant to your associated students.
How to Navigate Events
Once you open the mobile app and log into your account, the home screen will present different ‘cards’ for you to access functions quickly.
If you can not see an Events card on your home screen, please contact your school.
Once Events is open, you will be presented with tabs across the top.
In this example, we are presented with; Discover, Calendar, and Events.

Discover Tab
The Parent in this example has management access for four students, as can be seen by their names at the top, currently the discover section is showing the events available for the student highlighted red
Simply tap on another student to view their events
The first card that can be seen is showing a blue dot at the title, indicating it is an open event and the student ‘Can Register’
The current event shows the Reach logo by default as the event image
When an event is created by the school staff, an image can be added
Video files can also be loaded and viewable in the information section
If you scroll down, more event detail can be seen on the current card
If you tap on the event card it will open to reveal all available information as can be seen in the example image
To return, tap the return arrow in the top left
In the minimised or extended card view, the red buttons
can be seen, simply tap as required
To tap either button will instantly activate that action, showing a pop-up to confirm
Calendar Tab
This area displays the currently registered events, which can be viewed and updated if required.
Navigating the Calendar
- When opening the Calendar, the current month will always show, with a blue dot on the current date
- Tap the Calendar icon to open the current day view, tap it again to show the month view
- Tap the left/right arrows to move per month
- When in the day view, this will move per day
- Registered events will show as a small black dot on the associated date
- As can be seen in the example below, this is July 7th, 10th & 16th.
- July 10th has been tapped
- This opens the day view, where one event can be seen
- Hike in the Blue Ridge Mountains has been tapped
- This will open to reveal all available details for that event
- Tap the Register button to register the student to attend the event
You will receive confirmation as to whether they were
successfully registered
or if they were placed on the
if the event is full