ARTICLE: People Management - Personal and Security details

ARTICLE: People Management - Personal and Security details

When creating or managing contact profiles, the Personal and Security tab details become very important to the function of profile data across your schools Reach portal. All profiles from staff, to students, parents, hosts and guardians, require five key elements to create / save / activate a profile. These are First Name, Last Name, Email, Mobile, and Role, all of these data fields are noted with an asterisk.

Main Menu >>People Management >> View Contacts

View Contacts

The People Management page presents current/active contact profiles via a table view, which can be adjusted with the filters provided.
Here you can view, collate, rank and export data as required. This page also allows the creation and bulk management of contact profiles.
To click on a line item will open the profile, across the top is a row of tab pages grouping data for the individual.

A detailed document explaining Contact Profiles can be found here: People Management - Basic overview

Personal Tab

This default tab is also one of the most important, four of the required data fields are found here, as indicated in the image. These basic items, are required to create and activate a profile.

Additional data fields provided on the Personal Tab are; Preferred Name, Language, Home Phone, Work, Phone, Medicare Number, DOB (Date of Birth), Gender and Deleted.
The language setting refers to the language that will be used when sending notifications to the individual.
Home and Work phone, relevant to students, but may be more relevant to parents, hosts or emergency contacts.
Date of Birth, while important for students, their year/grade at school can be different and is recorded under the Metadata Tab.
Delete, a deleted contact will stay archived, for more detailed information please view this video: Deleted Contacts and Recovery

Please note the importance of correct data;
  1. Profile name, when incorrect, will effect the data ranking and search for that individual
  2. Email, can be used to send a welcome link / email for setup and school introduction, incorrect emails will fail
    1. Internal communications from the Reach platform to staff email addresses would also fail
  3. Mobile number, in modern times is very useful
    1. Within the Reach portal, the individual can be contacted via call or SMS - when these systems are setup/enabled

Security Tab

The security tab is where you manage the login and security details of Reach users. It is also where you define the Role for the user, the Role Type is required to create / activate a profile, each type is set with specific access parameters during creation.

The Role drop-down menu shows the current items. 
  1. Within the portal, some basic role types appear by default from Reach
  2. All other role types are created and managed by your school via system configuration
Using Role Types
Example; A role type can be created for new staff, operating with basic system access and strong restrictions.
Once the staff member is fully trained, the role type could be changed to 'Boarding Supervisor' with far more access and less restrictions.

Additional data fields provided on the Security Tab are;
Username and password can be setup here for the individual or the Welcome Email / Wizard Links can be used, which send an email to the user, they set the details per their choice.
The PIN is not compulsory within the Reach portal, but can be used as an additional security measure.
Security Question / Answer, these are similar to the PIN in useability, and can also be used as identification for hosts.
Gated is a status for boarders where they are prevented from making any leave requests.
SIS PK, is generated by Reach as required for system use.
Managed by Sync, this can be useful for bulk data import updates, but be aware it may override current data.

Profile Follow up

At any time, school staff with access, can update profiles and if a user forgets their login details, their profile can provide the information.

Please note:
Role types can be changed as required for each user. 
However, be aware how that will effect the access or restrictions setting for that individual across your schools Reach platform.
Selecting the correct role type for the individual is most important within Reach, for security and access abilities.

In an example of creating a profile for a new student, the next step after the Personal and Security tab setup, Reach suggests:
  1. Adding a photo, updating the home address
  2. Family contact details, emergency contacts
  3. Associating their parent / guardian / host contact profiles

Additional Profile Tutorials

The following videos provide steps to further setup and manage contact profiles;

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