This is a fast helpful way to setup new staff, student and parent profiles. Sending out the welcome email allows the individual to enter their own personal data and set a password easily. You can then return to their profile at any time and add data / edit / update.
The contacts table presents current/active profiles. It is good practice to conduct a quick search, so as not to double-up on profiles. First name, last name or search by category, once it is clear that a profile does not already exist for this individual, you are ready to create a new profile
- click the New Contact button.
Create a Quick Profile
In this example, we will create a new staff member profile.
Under the personal tab, enter the staff member details as required, the basic items required to save a basic profile are noted by an asterisk.
Success during this quick setup process relies heavily on the email address being correct, this is a must.
Under the security tab, the Role Type is required, each role type is set with access parameters during creation.
within the portal, some basic role types appear by default from Reach
others are created and managed by your school
Using Role Types - Example; The 'Staff New' role type could be operating with basic system access and strong restrictions, perfect for new staff. Once the staff member is fully trained, the role type could be changed to 'Boarding Supervisor' with far more access and less restrictions.

In this quick setup example, this profile is finished, you must Save and Close to activate the profile.
Next, conduct a quick search, find the new profile, and click to open.
Send a Welcome Email setup link
The green quick links provide fast solutions to allow the individual direct access to their new profile, this allows them to enter their personal details, select a username and a PIN.
The Welcome Email will be used in this example. Simple click the link and follow the prompts.
Select the setup wizard and click OK
The user will receive an email from Reach, this provides the system access.
Once they click on the link, a browser will open, welcoming the individual.
At this stage they just need to follow the prompts by clicking on NEXT
When they finish entering their details, they can save and close the browser.
Profile Follow up
Once the setup wizard has been completed, the new user now has access to your schools Reach portal.
At any time, you can update the profile and if the user forgets their login details, a staff member can provide the information from their profile.
This quick setup process can be used for any role type, a quick setup for new students, their parents / guardians / hosts.
In each case, selecting the correct role type is most important for security and access settings within the portal.
As previously noted, the role type can be changed at any time for each user. However, Please be aware how that will affect the access or restrictions setting for that individual across your schools Reach platform.
In an example of creating a profile for a new student, the next suggested steps would include; adding a photo, updating their home address,
additional family contact details, and associating their parent / gaurdian / host contact profiles.
Additional Profile Tutorials
The following videos provide steps to further setup and manage contact profiles;