ARTICLE: Reach Events Calendar iCal URL
Schools that use Reach Events to plan their school's activities and events can now link their Reach Events calendar feeds to their Calendars feeds. Below are instructions on how to add your school's Reach Events calendar feed to a few commonly used calendar systems.
How to Share your Reach Events Calendar with your Google Calendar:
In your Google Calendar in Other calendars select the + to add a calendar and select From URL.
The iCal URL for your school's Reach Events calendar feed is your portal's web address followed by /api/events/upcoming.ical (e.g. https://<portal url>/api/events/upcoming.ical). Select Add Calendar once you have entered the iCal URL. You will now see your school's Reach Events calendar displayed under Other calendars.
How to Share your Reach Events Calendar with your Outlook Calendar:
In your Outlook Calendar select Add calendar select Subscribe from web.
The iCal URL for your school's Reach Events calendar feed is your portal's web address followed by /api/events/upcoming.ical (e.g. https://<portal url>/api/events/upcoming.ical). Enter in a name for your calendar, select a color for which the events will be displayed, choose a charm and select where you would like the calendar added to. Select Import once you have entered in all required information. You will now see your school's Reach Events calendar displayed under in your Outlook calendar.

How to Share your Reach Events Calendar with your Mac Calendar:
In your Mac Calendar select File from your top menu bar and select New Calendar Subscription...
The iCal URL for your school's Reach Events calendar feed is your portal's web address followed by /api/events/upcoming.ical (e.g. https://<portal url>/api/events/upcoming.ical). Select Subscribe once you have entered the iCal URL.
Verify the calendar settings and adjust them as you see fit. Select OK when you have made any adjustments you need. You will now see your school's Reach Events calendar displayed under other.
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