ARTICLE: Reach Staff Primer
Reach Student Life Management system is the global leader in student management for boarding schools. It provides a comprehensive set of features that helps boarding schools to manage their duty of care.
This document is designed to provide a quick overview for staff on the most common screens and functions used in your daily operations. A more detailed user guide can be found in the help menu of your portal and support videos for various functions for staff can be viewed at
The most common screens and functions that you will use in Reach are;
- The Kiosk screen to sign students in and out of the boarding house
- The Student Movements screen (Airport view) displays the known movements on and off campus for the next 24 hours
- The Rollcall Screen is used to take and submit rollcalls
- The Pastoral Note screen to write and submit student pastoral records
- The Duty Report screen to write end of shift duty reports
- The Student Sidebar screen to view student profiles and transaction history
- The Manage Leave screen to view and manage the status of student leave requests
Many of the features that are available to Staff in their Reach web portal are also available in the Reach Student Life Management mobile app. ARTICLE: How to Access and Use Reach on Your Mobile Device and ARTICLE: Staff Mobile App User Guide
1. Using the Kiosk screen
Go to: Dashboards >> Kiosk View
The Kiosk screen is used to sign students in and out of the boarding house to and from various on and off campus locations, including signing them out to or returning from approved leave events.

Functions in the Kiosk screen
- Click on a student's face in the kiosk view to open their location options
- Click on a student's name in the kiosk view to open their profile in the student sidebar
- Any approved leave events will appear below the student's profile in their location options
- Changing the student's location assigns to that location and updates the kiosk screen for all users
- Some locations may be used as Quick Leave events (eg: Local Shops) where students are automatically signed out to a leave event with a predetermined return time ( xx minutes from signout)
- In the configuration for each location you can determine which locations each student is permitted to see
2. Student Movement (Airport) screen
Go to: Dashboards >> Airport View
The Student Movement screen is more commonly referred to as the Airport screen because it looks like the Arrivals and Departures screens that we see at an airport. Its role is to provide you with a list of known movements for students that are scheduled to depart on approved leave events or are returning from leave events off campus in the next 24 hours. This screen provides a "what's happening today" view of your student movements.
Important functions when viewing or using the Airport view
- The screen will be pre-filtered according to the "Groups Managed" settings in your personal profile
- Only Approved leave requests for the coming 24 hours will display in the Departures screenList or Grid View
- Selecting multiple students in the selection boxes of departure screen allows you to bulk sign out students
- Background colour of the student's name will change colour based on whether they are late or not.
- Clicking on the Time of an item will provide you with multiple actions including sign out/in, add quick time or send the student an SMS
- Clicking the settings cog allows you to change the way Airport tables display (horizontally or vertically one on top of the other)

3. Taking Rollcalls
Go to: Rollcall Management >> Take Rollcall
Rollcalls and student registers can be done at any time on any device with internet connectivity.

Important functions when taking a Rollcall
- List or Grid View - Switch between views using the icons at the top of your screen.
- Filter you student list - Select the student population that you are taking a rollcall for by using your filters.
- Select roll call category - Select the roll call type for the rollcall that you are submitting
- Student on approved leave are identified - Students who are on an approved leave event are identified with an orange suitcase and their expected return time is listed in the Notes field.
- Mark your students as Present, Absent or use the blue middle button for any alternative status that your schools sets as your rollcall protocol.
- You "must" mark all student on your list in order to submit the rollcall.
- You can save a partially completed rollcall and return to it. Saving will retain the rollcall for your device login only.
- Hide processed option will place any of your processed items to the bottom of your screen so that you can focus on the unmarked students.
- Toggle All option allows you to mark all students on your list as present or absent.
4. Writing Pastoral Records
Go to: Pastoral Management >> Create pastoral Report
Pastoral records appear on the student's profile history. Each record is visible on the student's sidebar profile and the original record can be added to with follow up comments by staff that will circulate to all staff in the circulation list for the item.

Important functions when writing Pastoral Notes
- You can write pastoral notes for more than one student. For each student identified in the note a pastoral note record will be generated in their profile history.
- Select staff that you want to share the record with. Add them individually or use the drop down arrow to select a Group of staff
- Select the Type of Incident. You can create as many Pastoral incident types as you wish in the System Configuration. Each incident type has a cardinality (positive, neutral, negative) and this reflects in the history profile for student.
- Set the date for the record. You can post date records if required.
- Select the Sensitivity Level. By default all Pastoral records will be saved as Staff view but you can select Sensitive or Confidential and only staff in the circulation list and those with access to view the Sensitive or Confidential status will see those respective records.
- Opening an existing Pastoral record will allow you to place follow up notes for the pastoral note. These will save and display in chronological order on the initial record.
5. Writing Duty Reports
Go to: Staff >> Submit Duty report
The Duty Reports feature allows you to submit and share Duty Reports with your colleagues. Report formats are configured by your administrator in the System Configuration and submitting a report is a simple matter of adding content to the report categories and determining who the report should be shared with.

Important functions when writing Duty Reports
- Save your report draft and complete them later with the save button
- Select staff to share your report with individually or by groups using the drop down selector
- Use the @name protocol to write pastoral records in your duty report that will save to the student's historic profile
- View and print historic reports from the view Duty reports menu item. View and print individual or groups of reports (select multiple using ctrl key and selector)
Go to: Click a student's name or open the right sidebar using the horizontal lines icon
The Student Sidebar is where you can access individual student information at the click of a button. The sidebar displays historic student information and relevant information about their profile. In most pages, clicking on a student name will open the student's profile in the sidebar or you can open it by clicking the icon with three horizontal bars on the right side of your REACH screen.

Important functions when viewing or using the Student Sidebar View
- The sidebar has four (4) different viewing tabs.
Student Details - Student Contacts - Student History - Write Note - User Defined Fields in the profile view can also be made to display as an icon with hover text in the Kiosk view
- Gating or Grounding students can be done from the Sidebar panel
- Clicking or hovering (rollcall) any historic records will open and display the record detail
- Clicking host address will open GPS map for the location
7. Manage Leave
Go to: Dashboards >> Manage Leave
The manage leave screen is the epicenter of the leave module. All of your existing leave requests will be displayed on this screen.
Whilst leave notifications to staff (when active) will be sent when the leave is ready for your action (ie: parent and/or host has approved), the Manage Leave screen will show the leave request from the moment it is created until the moment that it is closed or, if unused, when it expires (return time elapsed).

Important functions when viewing or using the Manage Leave screen
- All "live" requests will appear on the screen until it is closed or it expires.
- There are four (4) states: Pending - Approved - Rejected - On Leave.
- Coloured Actor icons show the status of each approver involved.
- Your Manage Leave screen will be pre-filtered to match your "Groups Managed" settings
- Filter your view to display leave by Year, Dorm, Student Group, Leave type or Leave Status
- Use the search bar to find a leave request fast.
- Clicking on an event to open the details view for all relevant details and approvals trail.
- You can Edit or Approve an event from the details view
- Approve or reject in bulk by selecting multiple items and selecting Bulk Actions button
- Approve on behalf of parents or other staff by clicking on their name and approving by Proxy (this creates a Blue status icon).
- Rank your table by any column by clicking the column header.
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