ARTICLE: Scheduled Medications and Location Awareness

ARTICLE: Scheduled Medications and Location Awareness

Scheduled Medications

Ensure the following steps have been checked and completed;
  1. A student is prescribed medication or receives details for over-the-counter medication
  2. Ensure the medication item has been created within your school's Reach portal
  3. Open the students personal profile, and add the medication details 
    1. these can be set as scheduled or as-required items 

Location Awareness within the Dispensary

The scheduled medications table now shows a location icon that will fetch the details of the selected student, providing details of the current location, current leave status, and the basic details of that leave item.

This feature can be very helpful, for example;
  1. Students that have departed on approved leave, however, have not had their medication schedule paused
    1. The feature provides their basic leave data for you to then pause their medication as per the required date
    2. Pausing medication is a quick and simple process completed from within the Dispensary
  1. Students that are late to receive their medication, as noted by the alert symbol in the scheduled medications table
    1. The feature provides their location, if on-campus, they could be contacted and prompted
    2. If they are off-campus,  arrangements can be made for their medication upon their return

Additional information regarding the Medications Module can be found with the following items;

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