Reach: Scheduler allows for scheduling an automated action within Reach, such as bulk SISO action at a specified time to a specified location or a Group to clear and reset at a specific time.
System Configuration > Scheduler
Select "Add Job"
Create a label for the Schedule - this will be logged in the SISO Summary notes section for any SISOs logged for a student that uses this bulk SISO schedule. In the Type dropdown, select Schedule to show Source Object configurations.
Property: relates to whether the matching criteria will be location, dorm, grade, or group.
Testing Condition: relates to whether students who match "In any" or "Not in any" of the Matching Value location(s) specified should be moved out of their current location for this schedule. If the Property is set to Groups, the Testing Condition will also include "In all" and "Not in all" as additional criteria that can be specified. This is because if multiple Groups are selected as Matching Values, you may need to specify if a requirement for individuals to be members of all groups selected for not in all groups selected (but at least one).
Matching Values: relates to the Property that is set. If "Dorm" is the Property, then the Matching Values available to select will be the Dorms in the system. If "Location" is the Property, then the Matching Values available to select will be the Locations in the system, and so on based on the Property selected.
To create a scheduled action for a Location, in the Source Objects section, select the edit button for Location. Choose the Testing Condition criteria for whether students who match "In any" or "Not in any" of the Matching Value location(s) specified should be moved out of their current location for this schedule. Once all criteria has been selected, click Save when done.
Next, in Source Objects section, select the edit button for the Destination Object and chose which location students will then be SISO'd to when the schedule occurs. Select Save when done.
You can set further conditions as to which dorm(s) this will apply to, which grade(s), and/or which group(s) this schedule will apply to by selecting "Add Item".
Set the schedule of when this Scheduler will run based on the defined CRON pattern. Select the "?" to see examples of CRON patterns to assist you with setting your required pattern.
When viewing the logs of SISO changes made by the scheduler, they will appear to have been made by the staff "SYSTEM." These logs of SISO location changes where the record of "SYSTEM" as the staff can be view in the following places within Reach:
Student Sidebar > History Tab > SISO History
Reporting > Instant Reports > SISO Summary
Dashboards > Audit Log > SISO
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