ARTICLE: Setting Staff PIN or Student for SISO to/from Leave and Locations

ARTICLE: Setting Staff PIN or Student PIN for SISO

Using Staff PIN or Student PIN for SISO

The Staff PIN and Student PIN feature acts as a gatekeeper on your Reach Kiosk screens to ensure either that students must see a staff member when signing in or out to/from approved leave events or specified locations or that the actual student is selecting the chosen SISO in Reach.

When a Staff PIN is activated, the Reach Kiosk will require a staff member to authenticate at the SISO (Sign in - Sign out) for the SISO to proceed and this will identify the staff member that has signed a student to or from leave in the audit log for reference.

When a Student PIN is activated, the Reach Kiosk will require the selected student to authenticate at the SISO (Sign in - Sign out) for the SISO to proceed and this will identify that the actual student has authenticated the action in the audit log for reference.

Staff and Student authentication methods accepted

When Staff PIN or a Boarder PIN is required Reach is seeking authentication by a staff member or the actual student and it will accept any form of formal authentication by the staff member or student on the Kiosk device as verifying authentication including;
  1.  A PIN number entered onto the PIN pad that matches a staff member's PIN or the student's PIN
     (Staff PIN and Student PIN numbers can be set in the staff member and student's personal profile within People Management in the Security Tab).

  2.  A RFID card registered to a staff member or the student as one of their identifiers
     (RFID cards can be registered to a staff member and a student in the Staff member and student's personal profile within People Management in the Identifiers Tab)

  3.  A biometric fingerprint registered to a staff member or the student as one of their identifiers
     (Fingerprints can be registered by using a Reach BioPad device to the Staff member and student's profile)

How to set Staff PIN Required for SISO to/from Leave

Go to System Configuration > Leave General

How to Set Staff PIN or Student PIN by Location

Go to System Configuration > Locations
Create a new location or select an existing location.  In the Details tab, designate Yes for either Requires Staff PIN or Student PIN (terminology may appear different for staff and student based on your portals System Configuration > Terminology settings).  Be sure to save your changes within the Location Details and then also Save Changes in System Configurations: Locations.

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