ARTICLE: Setting up COVID-19 Symptom Surveys

ARTICLE: Setting up COVID-19 Symptom Surveys

REACH has designed a new module called REACH Surveys to help schools stay on top of their COVID-19 response.
This feature is still new and images and procedures in this guide may change slightly.


REACH Surveys allow schools to send out questionnaires to students, parents, and staff and allow them to self-identify symptoms of COVID-19. By asking people in your school community to self-identify, you are potentially reducing the spread of the virus through the school community and keeping everyone safe and healthy. You can trigger workflows that call staff to action based on different responses in your surveys.

Designing the Survey

Navigate to REACH: Surveys in the sidebar and click Basic Form Management .

Set the Form Details 

  1. Label : The title displayed to users.
  2. Weekly Availability : Set the days of the week that you are expecting responses.
  3. Is Active? : Hide or show the survey.
  4. Audience : Select the Infinity roles  that you want responses from. 
  5. Form Preamble : You can introduce the survey with custom information. 
If Students/Boarders are selected in the audience dropdown, you will be prompted with additional options. 
  1. Student Filters : Set filters so only certain dorms, years, groups, and current locations are able to complete the survey.
  2. Include Student's Parents? : Allow parents to complete the survey on behalf of their child. 
  3. Show Only Parents? : Only appears when Include Student's Parents? is set to YES. This setting will hide the survey from the student and only allow parents to submit on their behalf.

Set the Survey Questions

Click the Add Question button
  1. Question Text : The question displayed to users.
  2. Ordinal : Set the order the questions will be asked in.
  3. What to do if answered YES? : Set the workflow that will be triggered when someone responds to this question with YES.
    1. Do nothing : No workflow will be triggered.
    2. Email someone : Send an email to someone. You can send emails to multiple people by separating emails with a comma.
    3. Display message to user : Define the message displayed to the user in a pop-up when they complete the survey.
    4. Email someone, display message to user : Triggers both actions when the survey is submitted.
  4. What to do if answered NO? : Set the workflow that will be triggered when someone responds to this question with NO.
    1. Do nothing : No workflow will be triggered.
    2. Email someone : Send an email to someone. You can send emails to multiple people by separating emails with a comma.
    3. Display message to user : Define the message displayed to the user in a pop-up when they complete the survey.  Note:  The NO message is only displayed when all responses to the survey are NO.
    4. Email someone, display message to user : Triggers both actions when the survey is submitted.

Viewing Survey Results 

If you do not see People View when following the steps below, navigate to System Configuration > Infinity.  Under the Dashboards accordion, turn on  MM_VIS_DASHBOARDS_PEOPLEVIEW.
  1. Navigate to Dashboards > People View .
  2. In the Data to monitor dropdown, select Basic Form Management .
  3. In the Which Basic Form? dropdown, select the survey you want to view results for.

Colours on the cards correspond to the responses that the users have submitted.
  1. All YES: All responses were YES.
  2. Mixed: Responses were mixed. Some were YES and some were NO.  The number on the bar denotes how many YES responses were submitted.
  3. All NO: All responses were NO.
  4. Not Responded Yet: No response was submitted.
  1. Click a user's card to see the details of their responses. You can perform a few different actions while looking at their card:
    1. You can send the person a message by clicking Contact
    2. You can change the colour of their card by changing their Current State . This does not change their responses but allows nurses and administrators to process users that have been checked in person.
    3. Nurses and administrators can log notes associated with the response.

  1. Additionally, People View allows you to hide users in a particular state by using the Show States dropdown.
  2. You can download a spreadsheet of all responses by clicking on the Download Spreadsheet button.
  3. You can filter out particular Infinity roles from the results by using the Roles to Include dropdown.
  4. If you click a user that has not submitted a response, you can submit one for them through People View by clicking the View Questions button


Am I going to get a separate email for each user?

Yes, if you set up the questions to email someone on both a YES and NO response. You will only get one email per user. The email will condense all the responses that you were set to be notified of.  If a question is missing, check that you were correctly set to be notified of that response.

How do I create an account that can ONLY respond to surveys?

  1. Navigate to  System Configuration  >  Infinity .
  1. Create a new  Base Security .
  1. Click  Permissions  on the left.
  1. Turn off all permissions except MM_VIS_SURVEY  under the Lists and Surveys  settings

How do I prevent unauthorized staff from viewing the results of the survey?

  1. Navigate to System Configuration > Infinity .
  1. Select the Role you would like to modify.
  1. Click Permissions on the left and open the Dashboards settings.

Staff members can't see the Staff section in the sidebar of the mobile app. How do I enable it?

  1. Navigate to  System Configuration  Infinity .
  1. Select the  Role  you would like to modify.
  1. Click  Permissions  on the left and open the  Staff  settings
  1. Turn on  MM_VIS_STAFF

How do I hide Lists from being shown to users?

  1. Navigate to System Configuration > Infinity
  2. Select the Role you would like to modify.
  3. Click Permissions on the left and open the Help settings.
  4. Turn off MM_VIS_HELP

How do I send a reminder to complete the survey?

Toggle Bulk Selection Mode and select the users you would like to message.  You can quickly select all users in a particular state by clicking a state in the Selection Toggle .

Click the Quick Message button and type the message you would like to send. You can choose the method with which to send the message:
  1. Email : Send the user an email
  1. SMS : Send the user a text message
  1. PUSH : Send the user a push notification to their mobile device.
  1. Internal : Use REACH's internal messaging system. **Deprecated**

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