ARTICLE: Mobile App User Guide

ARTICLE: Staff Mobile App User Guide

Mobile App User Guide

The Reach Mobile App is designed for use as a transaction platform, it is free and is available for use by all users with an account on your Reach Portal.           


The Mobile App provides access to the major transaction elements of the Reach Platform. It is not a complete replication of all functionality available to users. System Administrator functions are not available in the Mobile App and need to be managed via the Web Portal for your Reach System.


Access to the Reach Mobile App

The Reach mobile app is a free app that is available for use by staff/faculty, students, and parental users of Reach.

User Type Experience

Once you have a profile created via the Reach Web Portal, your login will be set, at this point, you also have access to the Mobile App. The features that are available to your login are dependent on the user type; student/parent or staff/faculty user. Additionally, the accessibility permissions set in your profile affect the features available for you as a user of the Reach Mobile App.

Download the Reach Student Life App

The App is available to download for Android and Apple devices. Search for 'Reach Student Life' App in either the Google Play Store or iTunes store. 

KB ARTICLE:  How to Access and Use Reach on your Mobile Device


Using the Mobile App as Web Service App

As an alternative to downloading and using the native mobile app from a web store, you can also use the browser on your mobile phone or tablet to use the web service app. Simply go to on your device browser for access. Share the web page to your home screen or desktop for an identical experience to downloading the native mobile app.

Logging In

Sign-in to your schools Reach Portal - Open the App, Click the Lets Go button, Search for your school name.

Use simple terms, eg: To search for ‘St Andrews Delaware’, search for Andrews. Reach will then search globally for any schools that match your search word and present the findings, if you cannot see your school, scroll down. Click on your School and the login screen will appear. Use your username and password to login to your Reach account.

Login Credentials

Your School may use a Single-Sign-On option or OAuth with Google or O365, then select the relevant Sign-in option. Your Administrator may need to switch this on via the Web Portal, to activate.

Go to:  System Configuration >> General >>Allow SSO via Google

Essential Security information

Your Reach login provides you with access to important, private, and secure information about staff, students, and parents in your boarding community. It is vital that you access Reach from a secure portal and only with your login to meet data privacy regulations and it is vital that you do not share your login details.

Sharing your Reach access login with unauthorised users may create a reportable breach of privacy incident for your school.

The two main menu areas of the App are as follows;

Firstly, as shown in the example images, the home screen is sectioned into ‘Cards’ for fast access to the main areas of Reach. The ‘Cards’ presented will differ with the type of login and active permissions per user.


Secondly, as shown in the below example images, the central PLUS button at the bottom of the screen, when tapped, will pop up a list of Quick Access features, these are all about creation, as each link takes you directly to a function to start New items including; Leave Requests, Pastoral Notes, Rollcalls, Events, Duty Reports and Messages.

Each item is detailed in the relevant section of this document.

Metrics View / Home Screen

The Home Screen is your base Metrics View and launch point for the main functions of the Mobile App Portal.

You are welcomed to the App with a greeting, your school logo, the background image of your school, and most importantly your current logged location, in this example, On Campus with a colour dot that represents the colour set for that location throughout Reach.

To change your current location, simply click on the Location Pin Icon in the top right corner, this will open your locations page that is separated into Off / On Campus, click your new Location to activate.

The Location (Quick SISO) Page also shows your NFC & QR buttons to set your SISO. These must first be set up via a Web Portal.
Also in the top right corner is the Reach: Now messaging icon for fast access to the Communications area of the App. Tap this to open the Reach: Now feature. More information on this section is detailed in the Communications section below.  

Activity Metrics

This panel visualises the Total student number and the breakdown of current sections.
Currently showing the student numbers Off / On Campus, as represented with the coloured arch, and this will change as your student movements change.

Departure – number of approved leave events for sign-out today

Arrivals – current off-campus student number, this also includes those with approved leave and are scheduled to return today

Pending Leave – how many leave requests are waiting approval

Approved Leave – number of approved Leave items in the system

Manage Leave button – allows you to view / approve / reject current Leave Requests within your system

  1. This is further detailed in the Manage Leave section of this document
  2. Extended information is found within the KB ARTICLE: Manage Leave in the Mobile App

Create Leave button – will take you through a simple page by page process to Create a New Leave Event quickly and easily for one student or multiple.

Students by Location

This panel displays the current distribution of your student population with their location in a pie chart and a colour bar underneath. These metrics updates live across the Reach platform.

If you tap-and-hold a segment of the pie, a pop-up will show you the current student number for that Location. If you tap on a segment or a colour bar, the Kiosk page will open to a scrollable list of students at that location, your actions are then similar to the Web Portal Kiosk.

Go To Kiosk – This button directly opens the Kiosk to view all students and their current details. The features and functionality of the Kiosk Screen are detailed in the section below.

 By Location – This button opens the list ‘Students By Location’ page showing the current and maximum numbers per location, to tap on a location will open the scrollable list of students at that location


This panel lists the upcoming scheduled rollcalls for your school.

The Rollcall button once tapped will take you to the Rollcall Setup screen where you can submit Rollcalls. The toggle within the Rollcall section allows you to switch between Live and Standard Rollcalls.

The Rollcall Screen section below details the functionality of this feature.

Extended information is found within the  KB ARTICLE: Live Rollcall and Standard Rollcall within the Reach App


Via the Mobile App, this section is mostly an information-based area, however, the action of registering attendance can be done here by Students and Parents.  In their app for Staff, they can see Upcoming Events and Events they are scheduled to be the Supervisors.

The following images show the varied appearance with a different Role Type login access.

The Parental login allows access, only to students with previously proven authority. In this case, the three sections detailing information for those Students that (Blue) ‘can register’ (Green) ‘are registered’ and (Yellow) ‘are waitlisted’ for events available to them.

The Events section below details the functionality of this feature.

Student View                                                                Parent View

Staff View

Pastoral Reports

The Pastoral Card allows you to view or create Pastoral Notes and Reports.

Tap on the View Notes button to access recently submitted pastoral notes. Items will list with a colour reference indicating the cardinality of the pastoral record, tap a report to open and view.

Tap on the Create a Note button to jump straight into the Pastoral Report form to add a new Note or Record for any student(s).

Duty Reports

The Duty Reports Card allows you to view or create Duty Reports as required, quickly and easily.

On the face of the Card, the most recent Report submitted by your team is highlighted in the middle, tap on this item to open directly into the details of that report.

Tap on the View Reports button to access recently submitted Reports. Items will display in chronological order, tap a report to open and view.

Tap on the Create Report button to jump straight into a new form to create and submit new details. 


The Communications Card is your access to the Reach: Now feature.

Ease of use is delivered via three methods; Direct Message Chat, posting in Noticeboards and interactive group Chat Rooms. 
Reach: Now is a versatile tool designed to help you manage and improve communications to staff and students alike within your school community.

The  Communications  section below details the functionality of this feature.

Reach: NOW is an extension module that must be enabled for your school's portal and infinity permission settings enabled per user. 


To Do’s

This Card is your access to the Reach Surveys feature.

If a daily survey has been created for you to complete, a pop-up notification will appear once you login to the app.

Tap on the Surveys button to access all surveys that have been created for you to complete, these may include Voting for End-of-Term awards, or General Health & Wellbeing. Follow the simple layout to complete and Submit.

Tap on the Lists button to access the Lists that have been created by your school, these may include a Daily Transport List, or Afternoon Activities. Follow the simple layout to complete and Submit a List.

The MORE section further details the functionality of Surveys And Lists within the Mobile App.

Upcoming Birthdays

This card lists upcoming birthdays for students and staff if enabled in your Reach portal.
Go To:  System Configurations > General settings

Selecting a person's image will prompt you with a message window, allowing you to send a birthday greeting via Push message to their App, Email, or SMS message.
Text message rates apply - KB ARTICLE:    SMS Messaging in Reach

Kiosk Screen

The Kiosk view on the mobile app combines the Kiosk and Airport views that you will be familiar with via the Web Portal.

The app version provides three distinct Tab Views with access to; All students, scheduled Departures, and scheduled Arrivals.

The following three images show each Tab View and the current students.
  1. ALL   shows all students according to your filter settings
  2. DEPARTURES   show approved departures for the coming 24 hours
  3. ARRIVALS   show current off-campus students that are expected in the next 24 hours

Late students to depart or return will be highlighted in Red.

Soon to depart or arrive students will be highlighted in Green   (<15 minutes)

Control Icons
  1. Search By Name
  2. Filter by House-Dorm / Year-Grade / Location / Group
    1. **The icon will show a red dot to indicate one or more filters are currently in use
  3. Filter Alphabetical
  4. Bulk Select and Deselect
    1. **This will change from single to double when using an Individual Student Tile
Individual Student Tile
  1. Profile Photo
  2. Student Name
  3. Current Year/Grade and House/Dorm
  4. Current location is shown by the colour ring around their profile photo and stating the corresponding name of that location, as shown by the red arrows. 
  Additional Transactions

Tap on the student card to reveal red icons

  1. Opens Quick individual student SISO
  2. Direct message via SMS/PUSH/EMAIL, or call
    1. This is detailed in the Communications section
  3. Quick access to individual student profile information
    1. This is detailed in the Student Profile section
  4. Opens directly into a New Leave Request for that student
    1. This is detailed in the Manage Leave section
  5. Opens into a New Pastoral Report for that student
    1. This is detailed in the Pastoral Reports section

Individual Student sign in or out

Signing students in or out, individually or in bulk, can be done from any of the Tab View screens.
  1. Simply Tap on the Tile of the required student
  2. The Red Action Icons appear
  3. Tap the Location icon and the Quick SISO screen will open
  4. Here, the current location of the selected student is shown at the top as ‘Bikeriding’
  5. Available on this screen are the Cards to set a ‘NFC’ or ‘QR’ SISO
    1. To Program an NFC in the Mobile App, this is explained in the MORE section
  6. SISO the student to their ‘Next Leave Request’ can also be done with the quick link
    1. This will show a confirmation pop-up, checking if you want to Sign-Out that student to the next registered Leave Request in their profile
  7. Following below are is the alphabetical listing of locations, as managed by your school, separated into On and Off-Campus.
The in-app v isibility of; Next Leave Request, On-Campus and Off-Campus Locations, NFC SISO and QR SISO are configured in your school's Reach portal.
Actions are required in System Configurations for QR and NFC as well as Leave - General settings.

Bulk Sign In or Out

This process is similar to the Web Portal and is still fast and simple.

A and B will now detail the two main routes to move groups of students.

A.  Update the location of an entire group using filters and the Bulk Selector Check Mark
  1. Tap the Filter Funnel icon and select the required group. This image shows the ‘Boarding House’ group has been selected
  2. The group appears, all indicating the same green ring around the profile images
  3. Now tap the Check Mark icon, this will change to a double Check Mark
    1. All profile images will change to Large Check Marks
    2. A red square will appear above the PLUS icon indicating the total number of students selected, the entire group
  4. Tap the Red Square, the Locations pop-up will appear for you to select the new location
    1. The Kiosk will save and update directly

B. Update the location of an individually selected group.
  1. The current students shown are the general population listed in alphabetical order
    1. Their current locations differ as shown by the colour ring around their profile image
  2. Individually Tap on the profile images of each student required
    1. The images change to Large Check Marks and the Red Square appears
  3. Once you have all the required students selected
    1. Tap on the Red Square to show the Location pop-up, for you to select the new location
    2. The Kiosk will save and update directly



Rollcall can be taken and processed through the Reach app in one of two ways; Live Rollcall and Standard Rollcall. Live Rollcall will allow staff to work in collaboration with other staff members to quickly and efficiently account for students in one or multiple locations, enabling others to see real-time updates regarding students' whereabouts. Standard Rollcall allows for one user to log attendance for a group as one event, and other staff won't be able to see the results of a Standard Rollcall until after it has been completed and submitted.


How to Setup a Live Rollcall

  1. Select the bottom center PLUS sign button and choose New Rollcall

  2. Select the Category (required)

  3. Select a Present Location - this will be the location students will be SISOd to upon being marked present in the Live Rollcall (optional)

  4. Select an Absent Location - this will be the location students will be SISOd to upon being marked absent in the Live Rollcall (optional)

  5. Select the field to Sort by which determines how you will view your students in your Live Rollcall (Name/Room/Location/House/Year)

  6. Select Filters which will determine which students will be visible in your Live Rollcall (House/Year/Group/Location)

  7. Select the Check Mark in the top right corner to being your Live Rollcall

Start Ad-Hoc is a one-off Live Rollcall Category and may not be an option depending on your school's system configuration settings.

How to take a Live Rollcall

Mark a student Present, Absent or Accounted for by Another, and depending on your Live Rollcall pre-selected settings, it will also SISO them to that specified location
  1. Selecting the Note icon allows for the logging of a note for that particular student
  2. The initials of the staff member who accounted for the student will appear below their name in the colour of the student's status
  3. View how much time remains until the end of the Live Rollcall session
  4. Toggle between viewing all, processed and unaccounted students by selecting the double Check Mark to the left of the time counter
  5. Use the search feature in the top right of the screen to quickly display a particular student
  6. You can update the status of a student by selecting another attendance option
    1. This may happen if another staff marks a student absent and you can account for them in your location, you can change their status from Absent to Present, or Account for by Another.

How to Setup a Standard Rollcall

  1. Select the bottom center PLUS sign button and choose New Rollcall

  2. Toggle the Type switch to enable Standard

  3. Select the Category (required)

  4. Select the field to Sort by which determines how you will view your students in your Standard Rollcall (Name/Room/Location/House/Year)

  5. Select Filters which will determine which students will be visible in your Standard Rollcall (House/Year/Group/Location)

  6. Select the Check Mark in the top right corner to being your Standard Rollcall

How to take a Standard Rollcall

Marking a student Present, Absent/Late or Accounted for by Someone Else

  • If another staff member has marked a student Present Absent/Late, or Accounted for, this can be highlighted 

  • Selecting the Note icon allows for the logging of a note for that particular student

  • Toggle between all, processed and all unprocessed students by selecting the corresponding tab

    • The numbers under the tab titles refer to the number of students in that category

  • Use the search feature in the top right of the screen to quickly display a particular student

  • You can update the status of a student by selecting another attendance option (this may happen if an absent student arrives late for the rollcall and you need to now mark them present)

  • If you need to navigate away from the Rollcall screen, you will be asked if you want to save a draft of this current Rollcall.  Saving a draft will allow you to return back to this screen and continue taking your Rollcall with the previously processed students already accounted for

  • To submit your Rollcall, select the three dots in the top right corner and select Submit.

Rollcall Control Icons

  1. Clear Rollcall & Submit again will clear any processed data on your screen allowing you to start over with a new Rollcall
  2. Filter By allows you to adjust the student list for your Rollcall. Your default filtered list will be the same as any settings that you have in the user's Groups Managed
  3. Submit is the completion of your rollcall and the submission of you marking the Rollcall report
    1. Submitted rollcalls will be saved to the system as historic information. You can only submit a Rollcall when "all" students in your list have been marked (processed)
  4. Save allows you to save an incomplete Rollcall that is not yet submitted and return to it later to complete
  5. Cancel allows you to cancel any Rollcall that is incomplete


Reach Events is an Extension Module and was created to provide an efficient management tool for organising, sharing, and managing recreation activities, excursions, or events being held by your school. When Events is activated, you can create an unlimited number of Events that can be made available for any group within your Reach Portal.

If your school has not added the Events Extension Module to your Reach Portal  OR  Events is turned off, the Events configuration or viewing options will be disabled in the Mobile App.

How to Setup, Create, Manage, and Run Events, is detailed in the following KB Article Reach Events
Via the Mobile App, this section is mostly an information-based area, however, the actions of registering/managing attendance can be done here. It is designed to show the Events relevant to your login type as created and managed via the Reach Web Portal by your school.

Login Type;
Staff – this may show events for meetings or training
Students – this will show the Events a student is permitted to Manage without Parental consent
Parents – this will show the Events available to manage for students under their approved care

The Parental login only allows access to students with previously proven authority.

In the following screenshot examples, we use the Parental Login to explain the functionality. This functionality will be similar for each Login Type.

How to Navigate Events

Once you open the Mobile App and have logged into your account, the home screen will differ, depending on your Login Type. To access Events, depending on the type, the Events ‘Card’ may be visible on the Home Screen as you scroll down, if so, tap on the red word Events. Alternately, tap on the Events Icon, which is located on the large Red Menu bar across the bottom of the screen.

 Once Events is open, you will be presented with Tabs across the top, again, this will differ per login type.

In this Parental Login example, we are presented with; Discover, Calendar, and Events

Discover Tab
  1. The Parent in this example has management access for four students, as can be seen by their names at the top, currently the Discover section is showing the Events available for the student highlighted red
    1. Simply tap on another student to view their Events
  2. The first Event ‘Card’ that can be seen is showing a Blue Dot at the title, indicating it is an Open Event and the student ‘Can Register’ for this Event
  3. The current Event shows the Reach Logo by default as the Event image. When creating an Event, an image can be added to represent your Event, and video files can also be loaded in the information section
  4. If you scroll down, more Event detail can be seen on the current ‘Card’
  5. If you Tap on the Event ‘Card’ it pop open to reveal all available information as can be seen in the image to the right. To return, tap the Return Arrow in the top left
  6. In the minimised or extended ‘Card’ view, the red buttons Decline & Register can be seen, simply Tap as required
    1. To Tap either button will instantly activate that action, showing a pop-up to confirm

Calendar Tab

This area displays the current registered events, which can be viewed and updated if required.
  1. When opening the Calendar, the current Month will always show, with a Blue Dot on the current Date.
  2. Tap the Calendar icon to open the current Day view, Tap it again to return to the Month view
  3. Tap the Left/Right arrows to move per Month
    1. When in the Day view, this will move per Day
  4. Registered Events will show as a small Black Dot on the associated Date
    1. As can be seen in the example below, this is April 18th & 30th
  5. April 18th Has been Tapped
    1. This opens the Day view, where two events can be seen
  6. Bounce – Trampoline Has been Tapped
    1. This will open to reveal all available details for that Event
  7. Tap the View Attendance button
    1. This reveals the current status of the Event attendees, with four tabs at the top, simply tap on a tab, to show that list; Registered, Waitlisted, Declined, No Reply

Events Tab

This area is similar to the Discover Card, however, now an Arrow will appear on a card beside the title to show there are more cards registered to that student. Swipe left/right to view.
In the example below;
  1. A red arrow is pointing to the student names on the left, these are the current students accessible by this parent. Tap on a student name to open their Events
  2. Scroll down to view the Events
    1. Here we can see by the red arrow on the left, this Registered Event is indicated by the Green Dot, other Events may show as still being Waitlisted as a Yellow Dot.
  3. The red arrow on the top right indicates a Black Arrow to the side of the title on the Card, this indicates that there are more Registered Events to view
    1. Therefore, you can slide the card left/right to view other Events
    2. If the Black Arrow is not visible, there are no more Events to view
  4. The red arrow at the bottom right is showing the Unregistered Button
    1. Tap this to withdraw from the Event

Pastoral Reports

The Pastoral Reports ‘Card’ allows you to View, Create, and Update Pastoral Notes and Reports.

Via a Staff login to the Mobile App, the Pastoral Report section will be accessible from the Home screen, simply scroll down.

KB ARTICLE: Pastoral Management

View Notes

  1. Tap on the ‘View Notes’ button to get started
  2. This will open to the Current Report page to access all Pastoral elements
  3. On the top Menu bar, the available Icons provide functionality and features
  4. Icon - Filter Funnel – will open to your standard Reach items;
    1. House/Dorm, Year/Grade, Locations, Groups
    2. Tap the left box to Select/Deselect All items in the Filter
    3. Tap the right box to open the list to Select/Deselect individual items
    4. Tap the X to close the Filter window
  5. Icon - Search Icon – will change the top menu into the Search Bar
    1. Start typing the student to search, the results, if available will appear
    2. Tap the X to close the Search window
  6. Icon - +Plus Icon – will open the ‘Create Pastoral Report’ section
    1. This area is explained in the next section – Create a Note

Main Screen
The ‘Current Report’ area lists all recent reports chronologically
  1. Each item is coloured to represent the Pastoral Type, the Type name is also noted on the item, on the third line. Eg, House – Positive  OR  Gated - Negative
  2. Each item shows the Student name for which that Report is created
  3. The Staff Member creating the Report is also noted

Pastoral Details
The Pastoral Details screen is a View Only area and provides only the basic information of the report submitted
  1. Tap anywhere on an item to open the details of that Report
  2. In the section at the bottom – Additional Details, tap on the highlighted text to open the View Duty Report page. This area provides all available information of that report
    1. Here you can update the Date/Time and Recirculate the report
      1. Tap the edit field under Date/Time to adjust
      2. Tap the X to close the Calendar window
      3. Tap the Paper Plane Icon to Recirculate the report
      4. A confirmation pop-up will appear 

Create a Note

On the Home Screen, Pastoral Reports ‘Card’, tap the red Create a Note button

Alternately, tap the PLUS Icon and select New Pastoral Note

  1. This will open the Pastoral Report page
  2. This quick flow system will aid in submitting fast reports for small items
    1. Eg, Good/Bad Behaviour reports and Pastoral Points reports

Once open, you are presented with the Select Primary Students field.  This first page is the start of the Report creating system.
At the top of this page, as highlighted in the image below, there is a series of indicators, the first is green, with three more white. As you progress so do the indicators.

Let's get started
  1. Tap on the ‘Search for a Student’ field, your keyboard will pop-up
    1. Start typing a students name, a list will appear to choose from
    2. Tap on the required student, you will see this add to the list
    3. Search for and Tap on multiple students to add more
      1. To remove, just tap the X per student
    4. When ready, tap the Red ‘Next’ button
  2. The next page is Select Pastoral Type
  3. Scroll up/down to view the selection created and managed by your school
  4. Once you tap an item, the system will move to the next screen.
    1. Only One Pastoral Type per Report to aid searching and historical reporting
  5. The next page is Select Tags
  6. These items as created and managed by your school, could by House/Dorm names, sport Groups, Study Groups
    1. Select the required Tag and tap the Red Next button
  7. The final page, show the data you created with more action items
  8. Scroll down to find;
    1. Secondary Students – to add more students
    2. Staff to Inform – search the Staff to send your Report to
    3. Date/Time – Adjust the Calendar and Time if required
    4. Access Level – Staff / Sensitive / Confidential
    5. Pastoral Score – manually add the number required
  9. When ready, tap the Save button to finish

NOTE:  When setting up the Pastoral Points system, default points can be set for individual Pastoral Types, to automatically collate for that student.  Points can still be adjusted manually when creating a report. Once a Pastoral record has been submitted, you cannot adjust the points

KB ARTICLE: Pastoral Points    

Duty Reports

The Duty Reports ‘Card’ allows you to quickly and easily View or Create Duty Reports as required.
Submitting Duty Reports is a simple matter of adding content to the pre-formatted report categories and determining who the report should be shared with.
KB ARTICLE: Staff Duty Reports

  Via a Staff login to the Mobile App, the Duty Reports section will be accessible from the Home screen, simply scroll down.
On the face of the Card, the most recent Report submitted by you, or your team is highlighted in the middle, tap on this item to open directly into the details of that report.

Create Report

Starting with the creation of a new Duty Report.

On the Home Screen, Tap on the Create Report button
This will open to the Create Report Template, a s can be seen in the example image, this is a quick and clean layout to use.

The following sections are provided to facilitate quick completion;
  1. Tap the Date/Time field to open the Calendar window
  2. By default, the Calendar opens to the current date, alternately select a specific date
  3. Use the Red Up/Down buttons to toggle the required Time
  4. Tap the Green button to Save
    1. Or Tap the X to exit the window

Staff to Inform
Three buttons provided separate Staff into quick search filters
  1. User – Specific Staff Members
  2. Group- Staff groups, as created and managed by your school
  3. Role – Specific Job Title Roles; Eg, Head of House, Boarding Supervisors
Tap to add each member from each section, Tap on the Member X to remove

Add keywords that can be used for search purposes when reporting

Dorm Behaviour / Study / Parent Contact / Maintenance / Medical
Each of these Headings has its own Text Body field to enter free text as required

Formatting features are available for each Heading Section
Bold / Italic / Underline -  standard use formatting
Person Icon -  Tap this icon for extended features, a window will open to provide the following sections;
  1. Specific Student additions
  2. Wellness Category - Pastoral Type items; Eg, Good/Bad Behaviour
  3. Pastoral Score/Points addition
  4. Addition Notes field
Once complete, Tap the Tick Icon in the top right, the window will Save and Close.

When finished with entering your required information into the template, scroll to the bottom
At the bottom are two buttons
Save  Draftwhere it will remain stored till required
Submit will Save and notify the staff selected in the Staff to Inform section

View Reports

On the Home Screen, Tap on the View Reports  button to get started
This will open to the View Duty Report page
On the top Menu bar, the available Icons provide functionality
Icon - Search Icon will change the top menu into the Search Bar
  1. Start typing the staff member name to search, the results, if available will appear
    1. This will only search the available reports in the current list
    2. Use the Calendar Icon to create a wider Date Range
  2. Tap the X to close the Search window
Icon – Calendar will open to the Set Date Range window
  1. Start Date / End Date fields are available to create a search range
  2. Tap on a Date/Time field to open the Calendar, select the required Date
    1. The time will stay the same – your current time
  3. Adjust both Start and End Date fields as required
  4. Tap the Tick Icon on the right to save and close the Date Range window
    1. This will update your Report List automatically
  5. The View Duty Report page is split into two Tabs, Sent & Draft

Sent Tab
This current list, or the list shown from your selected Date Range, is a list of Reports that have already been Created and Submitted, they are here to be viewed as required.
  1. Once you have found the Duty Report you wish to View, simply tap on that item
  2. As shown on the image below, that Duty Report will open to show the Basic Detail, this is generally a view-only area.
  3. The Date and Time can be adjusted here if required
  4. The Paper Plane Icon in the top right can be used to Recirculate the Report
    1. A confirmation pop-up will appear 


Draft Tab
Tap on this Tab to reveal a list of recent Duty Reports started but Saved as Draft.
Here the Search and Calendar Icons can be also be used.
  1. Once you have found the Duty Report you wish to Edit, simply tap on that item
    1. This will open into the Create Report page
    2. You will see the sectors of the Report that has been started
  2. As detailed in the Create Report section above, this Draft Edit area has the same functionality
  3. Edit and adjust all sectors as required
  4. At the bottom of this Draft page, you will find three buttons
    1. Delete – to permanently delete the item 
    2. Save Draft – to save it again, where it will remain stored till required
    3. Submit – will Save and notify the staff selected in the Staff to Inform section


The Communications Card is your access to the Reach: Now feature, with ease of use via three methods; Direct Message Chat, interactive group Chat Rooms and posting in Noticeboards

Reach: Now

This is a versatile tool designed to help you manage and improve communications to staff and students alike within your school community. The system provides a secure, authenticated platform where your communication records are captured and historically reportable. Internal Messages utilise your Reach portal and External Push Communications for integration to the Reach Mobile App. 


This is an Extension Module that must be enabled for your school's Reach Portal and Infinity Permissions must be enabled per user. 

Direct Messaging (DM)

Direct Messaging allows you to have one-on-one conversations in real-time with any contacts in your Reach portal.

Important features of Direct Messaging (DM):
  1. Live chat is restricted to Staff type users connecting with other contacts in your Reach community
  2. Parent-to-parent, student-to-student, parent-to-student for example, are not possible in Direct Messaging
  3. There are no silent conversations in Direct Messaging, as all conversations are logged in Reach.
    1. The conversation can be reported historically and viewed in the relevant participant’s personal profile.
  4. All Direct Messaging records are maintained on individual user profiles

Chat Rooms (Rooms)

Chat Rooms are open communication channels that allow individuals or groups of Staff users in your community to be interactive within the room.
Users can view and add comments or content. 

Important features of Chat Rooms (Rooms):
  1. You can have an unlimited number of Chat Rooms
  2. Chat Rooms can be open to only Staff user types in your Reach community
  3. You can determine who is permitted to view content in the Chat Rooms individually
  4. You can determine who is permitted to contribute content to the Chat Rooms
  5. The comments in Chat Rooms are retained in Reach for historic reporting
  6. You can permit users to add rich content in Chat Rooms, including; emojis and images 

Noticeboards (Boards)

Noticeboards function as announcement spaces. They provide a platform for one-way communications to your community.

Important features of Noticeboards (Boards):

  1. You can have an unlimited number of Noticeboards
  2. Noticeboards can be open to all user types in your Reach community
  3. Your audience cannot reply to items that are published in your Noticeboards
  4. Users subscribe to Noticeboards on their Reach login or Mobile App
  5. Subscribers receive notification alerts when information is published
  6. You can determine who is permitted to see and subscribe to the Noticeboards
  7. You can add rich content to your Noticeboards

Manage Leave

Reach app allows you the ability to view current and historical Leave items, including their status of pending, approved and rejected.  You can access Manage Leave by selecting either the Pending Leave or Approved Leave icons in the Activity Metrics widget or by selecting Leave from the bottom menu bar. 

Quick access filters for Approved, Pending, On Leave and Rejected will populate a list of leaves with the corresponding status when selected.  Along the top right of the screen, you have the ability to search for a specific student, filter, and sort by way of additional details.

Submitting a New Leave Request

Staff are able to submit leave requests on behalf of a student.  To create a new leave request, select the PLUS button from the bottom menu, and select New Leave Request.
  1. Search for the name of the student for whom you are submitting the leave request on behalf of
  2. Select the Leave Type of the Leave Request
  3. Select the Leave Date and Time and the Return Date and Time
  4. Select the Leave Transport Type and the Return Transport Type 
    1. If Reach Voyage is enabled, Voyage Transport Types will populate additional fields for completion based on your school’s Reach transportation configurations in System Configuration > Transport Types
    2. Also, if Reach Voyage is enabled, you can select multiple legs of transportation for departure and return.  Use the Trash can under a selected transport type to remove as a transportation leg.  Use the up and down arrows to rank which transport leg happens first in the departure or return
  5. Select the Host for the leave request
    1. Ad-Hoc Host, No Host Necessary and Create New Host will only be listed as options if they are enabled as settings in your school’s portal System Configuration > Leave General settings
  6. If enabled in your Leave General System Configurations, select if a Late Meal or a Packed Meal is required and/or if this is a Recurring Leave
  7. Review Leave Details in the summary and click Finished when ready to submit

Viewing an Existing Leave Request

Selecting a Leave item will display the Leave's details including;
  1. The main details of the leave request
  2. If any special meals were scheduled due to the Leave timing
  3. Notes entered regarding the leave
  4. The complete audit trail of the leave's approval process.
Selecting the ‘i’ icon to the right of the student’s name will display additional information for that student including 
  1. any UDF’s that are associated with that student
    1. KB Article: UDFs Help Display Additional Information
  2. any Quotas for Leave Types or Locations based on that student’s allotment and usage
    1. KB Article: Setting Quotas in Reach
    2. KB Article: Locations and How they Work in Reach

Editing an Existing Leave Request

Selecting the Note and Pen Edit icon in the top right corner of the Leave Details will allow you to make edits to an existing Leave Request's details.
Note: the ability to make edits is set by your school's user accessibility setting and may not be accessible for everyone.

Approving an Existing Leave Request

From the Leave Details screen, click the 3-line icon in the top right corner to either Approve Leave Request or Decline Leave Request.  You will be prompted with a confirmation of that action, followed by logging of your approval and a timestamp of when your approval occurred.

Adding a Sticky Note to a Leave Request

Staff who are actors in a leave approval are able to add a Sticky Note to an existing leave request via the Reach App.  On the Leave Details screen, select the Sticky Note icon in the top right corner.  Enter the contents of your new Sticky Note and select OK to save.

Resend Approval Email and Revoke Action

If an approval email needs to be resent to an actor in a leave request, tap the 3 dots by that person's name, and tap Re-send Authorization .
If an approval or a rejection by an actor needs to be reset to pending, tap the 3 dots by that person’s name, and tap Revoke Action .

Approve by Proxy

There may be instances where another administrator or staff member might need to approve a leave request on behalf of another administrator or staff member.  This will require them to use the Approve by Proxy method in the Leave Audit Trail, similar to the procedure used via  the Reach Web Portal in Manage Leave.
The ability for a staff/administrator to Approve by Proxy for a leave request is based on the users' role type infinity settings in System Configurations or their individual accessibility settings in their People Management Profile.  These permissions are set by your school's Reach Administrator.

To approve a Leave Request by proxy in the Mobile App, tap the Leave icon on the bottom menu bar.  Here w e see Pending leave for a student. The actor icons show that a parent has approved this leave, but we are waiting on approval from the Dean's Office. 
  1. Tap the Leave Overview tile to view the Leave Details.  
  2. From the Leave Details screen, tap AUDIT to view the Leave Audit Trail.  The Leave Audit Trail contains information about the Actors in the leave's approval process.  In this example, we can see Sarah Beatson, mother of Jb Beatson, has approved this leave request.  
  3. Scroll down to the next actor level to approve by proxy.

  1. The Level 2 actors have not yet approved the leave, so the leave's status remains Pending. To approve by proxy on behalf of another person, tap the 3 dots by that person's name, and tap Approve By Proxy.
  1. Type the reason for the proxy approval. In this instance, the Dean on duty sees that parent approval has been granted and the two Deans who would normally approve this students' leave request, are not on campus at this time.  Enter the reason for Proxy Approval and tap OK to submit the reason for proxy approval.  Once Proxy Approval has been successfully registered, tap OK on the confirmation message.

  1. Now we see for this Level 2 actor that the leave was "Approved by other," as indicated by the blue icon and note.  Next to the proxy approver's name, we also see noted the reason for the approval.  Scroll back up to the top of the Leave Details screen and click the X in the top left corner to exit.  Since the Dean's office was the final actor in the approval process, the leave status has been updated to Approved and the Dean's Office actor icon is now colored Blue, indicating that the leave was Approved by other at that actor level.  

Suspicious IP Address Approval in Manage Leave

During the approval procedure for Leave Requests, one of the many things that Reach monitors and records in your audit log is the IP address of all participants. The IP address is the digital location of the user when they transact on Reach.  

We can use this IP address to help us identify any suspicious approvals that are being processed for students which fall into the following categories;
1.  Approving Parent/Host IP address = Student IP Address
When a leave request is created by a student and the Parent or Guardian's approving IP address matches the leave creation IP address of the student. This will indicate instances where it is possible that a student is attempting to approve leave as the parent.
2.  Approving Parent IP address = School Network address
When a Parent or Guardian's approving IP address matches the school's IP address.  This will indicate instances where it is possible that a student is attempting to approve leave as the parent from the school's identified network. 
When we identify a leave request that fits these profiles we mark them as potentially suspicious with an IP Alert icon in the Manage Leave screen.  The IP Alert icon provides a visual alert for staff when viewing the manage leave screen that is worthy of further assessment prior to approving the leave request.
Clicking on any Leave item that contains an IP Alert icon in the Manage Leave screen will open up the details view of the leave request.  Here you can identify the cause of the Ip Alert trigger and in the Leave Audit Trail, you will be able to identify the approval transaction that triggered the IP Alert.
NOTE: Alerts do not prevent approval:  IP Alerts do not prevent you from approving a leave request, they are merely a prompt that draws your attention to the information in the approval procedure that might indicate that a student is attempting to approve their own Leave Request in place of their parent. 
IP Alerts are a flag that suggests to staff that there is information that they need to be aware of before approving the leave request.

SISO’ing a Student Back on Campus from Leave

When viewing Leave Details for a Leave Request that is currently On Leave, you are able to SISO a student back on campus directly from their Leave Details.
  1. Select the Location Icon in the top right corner of the Leave Details
  2. Select the Location to SISO the student back to from Leave

Student Profile

This screen provides access to the current student’s profile information and logged report data.

It represents to the Mobile App, what the Student Sidebar represents to the Reach Web Portal.

This area is a set of viewing screens only, there are no actionable transactions. Phone Numbers and Email Addresses highlighted Blue, once tapped will prompt the required service within your Mobile Device to action. 


Each Student Profile provides a series of tab icons that provide access to parts of the student's profile within Reach.

  1. Student contact information
  2. The student's associated contacts. Eg; Parents, Hosts, Guardians
  3. Recent Pastoral records for the student
  4. SISO – Sign In/Out records for the student
  5. Recent Rollcall records for the student
  6. UFD’s (User Defined Fields) and Quotas for the student
  7. Recent Leave records for the student


Tap on the More button from the home screen to open extended functionality.

The available actionable sections will differ due to Login Type. Eg; Staff, Student, Parent

Program NFC

Here you can program any number of NFC Tags.

NOTE: Your Mobile Device may not support NFC writing.

To Write an NFC, simply follow the prompts to select the Entity, give the new NFC a name, assign a security code and tap the Red Write button to complete.

QuickGuide Article: Using NFC Tags for location tracking

Surveys and Lists

Items are created and managed by your school, this feature allows an unlimited number of Surveys and Lists to be provided to students, parents, and staff. These are saved to your Reach Portal and are historically reportable.

TUTORIAL: How to Create a Survey 

PDF: Lists Manager


My Account 

Three Tabs are provided for you to update and control the basics of your account data.

Personal Tab
Here the actionable fields are;
  1. Name, Email, Phone, Date of Birth, Gender, and Address.
Update as required and tap the Save button

Here the actionable fields are; 
  1. Username, PIN, Security Question, Security Answer.
Update as required and tap the Save button.
Reset Password button is also provided 

This is a view-only area. 
Your associated Hosts are connected via People Management in the Web Portal.



This page provides one simple option, Run Tests.

Tap the Run Tests button to activate. Each listed test will run, Green Ticks will appear. 
The results will show directly on the screen.

Support Website

This opens the Reach Help Centre in an External Web Browser.

Quick Link:  Reach Help Centre


The Support site areas are;

Your Area

Sign-in to activate Tickets. Here you can Create, Submit and View your previous logged Tickets

Knowledge Base

Your Library of data - Articles, User Guides, PDF’s and Tutorials.

Use the Search Bar, scroll down through the sections, or view items in the Popular or Recent Articles sections


Be involved in the Reach discussion, scroll down or search recent comments.

Tap the Heading of a Discussion to open.
Read / Like / Share / Add Comment / Add Attachments and Tick the Notifications box to keep informed of that Discussion.

The Reach team are active participants in the Community, answering questions or working with the Development team to provide solutions.

Change Log  

The Change Log is a new feature added from June 2020.

This lists changes and bug fixes that have been updated to the program code.
These changes affect how the Reach platform functions, both Mobile App and Web Portal.

This change log is a View Only area.

Each item listed is not an explanation of how things operate, only a record of changes that have been made to Reach.


A brief about the Reach Platform and current Copyright.




An internal system to send data from your Device to the Reach Support team.

This feature is to compliment your Current Ticket with the Support Site.

NOTE: Sending this to Reach Support does NOT mean a Support Team Member will contact you.

To create a Ticket, please visit the Support Website

Quick Link: Reach Help Centre



School Management

This section is provided for those requiring access to multiple schools.

Eg; A Staff Member, Teaching at different locations.




When the button is tapped, a pop-up confirmation will ask if ‘you are sure’, as you will be logged out of ALL your attached schools.

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