ARTICLE: Student Medical - System Setup

ARTICLE: Student Medical - System Setup

Student medical data can be setup and edited at anytime, for many students it may not be required.

How to setup General Medical Information

Go To: People Management >> View Contacts >> Student Profile >> Medical Tab >> General Tab 
  1. The General tab is the default tab when opening the Medical section
  2. The information on this page can be critically important to the emergency care of a student
  3. Enter the known information of the student, this can be updated or edited at any time
  4. Use the Toggles to switch on/off the Medic Alert and Epipen/Allerject features
  5. Enter any notes required to further explain information relevant to that student 
  6. Save your changes
Details in the General Tab can be added, edited, or deleted at any time.

How to Assign Medical Conditions 

Go To: People Management >> View Contacts >> Student Profile >> Medical Tab >> Conditions Tab 
  1. Once on the Conditions page, the current list is presented
    1. These items are created and managed by your school
  2. Select or Deselect items as required
  3. Enter any relevant notes required
  4. Save your changes
Selections and information in the Conditions Tab can be changed or updated at any time.

How to Assign Medication

Go To: People Management >> View Contacts >> Student Profile >> Medical Tab >> Medications Tab
  1. Once in the Medications tab, you will first see the Prescription Medications section and the Green button 'New Prescription Medication'
  2. Here, any current or expired medications assigned to this student will appear
    1. A specific Expired medication listing can be updated and saved if re-prescribed
      1. Click the Expired item that is required to be re-prescribed
      2. If you wish to Delete this Expired item from the list, a red Rubbish Bin icon is available to delete this item and start again
        1. Then, please follow the details in the next section How to Add New Prescription Medication
  3. Column Headings for quick reference; Label, Manufacturer, Dosage, Frequency, Expiry
  4. The next section, Over the Counter Medications, lists the current items as created and managed by your school
    1. Column Headings for quick reference; Medication Label, UnitType and Amount and Allowed to be given
  5. The 'Allowed to be Given' column shows a check box for each listed OTC
    1. A Blue Tick indicates the Parent has Permitted that item to be administered 
      1. For further assistance, please view the Parental Medication Approval section of this document 
    2. Staff can manage this listing, however, please consult your administrator and refer to the operating protocols of your school
      1. Select or Deselect each item as required
  6. Then click the orange Save and Close button, to finish with that profile
Administrator - Please refer to your schools operating protocols regarding OTC medications      

How to Add New Prescription Medication

  1. Click the Green 'New Prescription Medication' button
  2. The Medication Details section will appear in-page 
  3. Click the Medication Name drop-down menu to select a pre-created medication item
    1. These items are created and managed by your school
      1. Please view the How to Create Medications section of this document for further assistance

  1. Once you have selected a Medication item, progress through the page to enter details
  2. Frequency, select Daily or Use pattern, each selection will directly affect the action field to the right
  1. Daily
    1. Click the drop-down menu to reveal the time slots
    2. To select more than one time slot, simply click on all required, they will appear in the menu bar as clicked
    3. Click a time slot again to deselect
    4. Once all required time slots have been selected, move onto the Medication Expiration Date section
  1. Use Pattern
    1. Click the Set Frequency drop-down menu to reveal the selector
      1. This will open the Frequency Selector Scheduler
    2. Click the Period selector to choose how many weeks
    3. Select or Deselect each field required 
      1. Each individual Time and Day slot through the 24 hour period over the 7 day week is provided
      2. If multiple weeks are selected, each week will appear separately down the page, for full control
        1. All time slots must be entered individually, in each week
    4. Once complete and checked, click the green Set Frequency button 

  1. Medication Expiration Date  - enter the date as detailed on the packet
  2. Dosage Qty & Type - enter the information as detailed on the Prescription Packet
  3. Notes - Add any notes that are required to be displayed each time the medication is administered
  4. Once all is complete, click the green Save Medication button at the top
    1. A red Rubbish Bin icon is available to delete this item and start again
  5. Then click the orange Save and Close button, to finish with that profile 
An image and voice tutorial guide is provided here;  Assigning Medications to Student and Staff

Detailed information regarding the Medication Module can be found here: Document / Webinar

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