ARTICLE: Student Sidebar Comprehensive

ARTICLE: Student Sidebar Comprehensive

The Student Sidebar is provided to quickly access individual student information at all times from any screen within the Reach web portal. This feature displays key information and historic data from the student’s profile, including; the contact details of the student and their associations (parents/hosts), rollcall attendance, leave history, pastoral reports, daily timeline quick view and the extensive student summary. 

How to Access

As this feature is available at all times, access is quick and easy.
Use the menu icon in the top-right corner of every screen, the Student Sidebar will slide open, then select the required student.
Alternately, when available throughout the Reach platform, click on a student's name to directly open their Sidebar menu.

How to Navigate 

There are four key sections presented as quick tabs to separate the data and information, they are as follows; Summary, Associations, History and Quick Note.

Within each tab, simply scroll up and down to view the content and click the icons and information items as required, these may open as extended panels up and down, or slide out. Some links will open in different ways to provide additional information and/or functionality, such as pop-up windows, tab pages in Reach and connected services such as Outlook for email.
When finished with the student sidebar, simply click the menu icon again to close.
  1. The Student Sidebar can be customised, as many functions and features can be enabled and managed by your school to suit operational requirements and protocols.
  2. Terminology within Reach is managed by your school via system configuration. This can affect such terms as boarder/student, year/grade, and house/dorm.

Student Sidebar Tab Sections Explained

Boarder Summary Tab

The default tab provides the majority of the functionality and information for the selected student, delivered via five key sections;
First, the basics, with student profile photo, name and current location. 
Profile photo
  1. Click the photo to open a pop-up window with an enlarged photo to view
Location icon
  1. Displaying the current location and corresponding colour
  2. Click to open the individual kiosk for that student
    1. Conduct a quick location change
    2. SISO them to their next approved leave
    3. View details of current or next approved leave items
    4. View their upcoming events and register or decline their attendance

Second, the quick access icons, the icons displayed will vary between students, as per their current details, following are a few explained.
Boarder Timeline
  1. The off-centre horizontal bars icon will slide out the Daily Timeline feature, enabling you to quickly view all interactions for that student within Reach for the selected date
Boarder Summary
  1. The horizontal bars icon will open a Reach tab page with the full summary feature
  2. This provides an extended layout to view greater student profile data
  3. Detailed information and functionality is provided via this Article: Student Summary
Padlock Icon  
  1. Click to open the Restriction Details pop-up window
  2. Here you can manage Gating/Grounding, create notifications or view the gating history
  3. Detailed information is provided via this Article: Gating/Grounding Restrictions

Envelope icon
  1. Click to open the email service on your computer to send a direct email to that address
Person icon
  1. Click to open the student’s personal profile within People Management for editing
  2. Accessibility depends on active permissions

Number icon

  1. This indicator displays the student's current pastoral points
  2. Visibility depends on the use of the pastoral points system within your school portal
  3. Detailed information is provided via this Article: Pastoral Points
Health icon
  1. This feature can provide a wide range of data once enabled
  2. Accessibility will depend on your school’s active medical system integrations
Third, personal data icons listing student information and contact details, all data is managed by your school via the student’s personal profile. 
  1. House Icon - House/Dorm
  2. Bed Icon - Room number
  3. Calendar Icon - Year/Grade
  4. Phone Icon - Contact number, when clicked will open your computers connected service
  5. Envelope Icon - Email address, when clicked will open your computers connected service
  6. Location Pin - Home address, when clicked will open a Reach page tab as a Google Map
  7. Gift Icon - Date of birth (Age)
Fourth, UDF is abbreviated from User Defined Fields, these are customisable and provide quick additional student information
  1. Each field name and data is created and managed by your school
  2. UDF icons are also used in the Kiosk View to provide quick information
  3. Detailed information is provided via this Article: UDF’s Display Information

Fifth, Quotas, a customisable feature that allows you to create allowances for approved leave items, locations and other events, with alert notifications and consequences. 
  1. Each fraction displays a number of quotas used and remaining
  2. To click on a fraction will open a small pop-up window to adjust and update the number of quotas used for that item
  3. Accessibility depends on active permissions
  4. Detailed information is provided via this Article: Setting Quotas in Reach

Associations Tab

This tab displays the contact information for those associated/connected with the selected student, these play a critical role in the Reach system, as they determine with whom the student is permitted to depart with on approved leave.
Leave requests can only be created with people (hosts) who are associated with the selected student. If a parent has added a new host and they have not been associated (connected) via the personal profile of the student, then that person will not appear as an approved host to be selected.
Information regarding host profiles can be found with the following Articles;

Quick navigation

The functionality of the data and how it is created is the same as the student contact information, and must be managed via the personal profile for each individual.
Each contact listing starts with their name and the applied title for quick reference (father/host/emergency contact etc), this is the association type, as set per host in the student’s profile, also during setup, notifications can be set per association.
The listed associations connected to the student, are separated into Parent and Host groups, each header is accompanied with an indicator for quick reference to show how many associations/contacts there are per group. 
  1. Phone and email will open your computers connected service
  2. The home address will open in a Reach page tab as a Google Map
  3. All data is managed by your school

History Tab

This tab provides a quick view of historical data for the selected student, split over six categories, each with an easy filter.
The data recorded from the Reach portal for your school, resides in the live Reach database forever, unless a request is made for a rollover purge.
Quick navigation

Each section of this tab collates the data relevant to its heading, click the + icon for the required heading, the panel will side down, if you see the text “No data for this time”, simply click the filter and adjust the data segment; the current day, the past week, month or for all time.

Leave History

The Leave History view provides a full list of all leave items that the student has taken. This includes Exeat leave, quick leave and unused leave requests. Each leave Item is represented by a suitcase colour card as green/orange/red and listed down the page in chronological order, with the most recent item first. Each leave item shows the requested date/time, the destination and date/time the student signed out.
To click on any leave item will open the leave details screen for that item, this allows you to view the full details, and the audit trail of approvals.
SISO History

SISO stands for 'Sign in / Sign out' and the panel is a view-only area. Select the required data segment with the filter and scroll through the items.
Each card is colour coded to the location the student checked into, together with the location name, the date/time of the check-in and the name of the staff member involved.
All locations and colours are created and managed by your school.
Rollcall History

This panel shows a green tick (attendance) or a red X (absence) icon beside a date to reflect the records for that day, with the icons in order of time from left to right.

Hover over an icon to reveal the data for that record, including the rollcall category, the staff member and the date/time.

Pastoral History

This panel shows all pastoral report items for the selected student, these are listed in chronological order, starting with the most recent at the top, and each item is colour coded for a quick visual reference. Positive - green  /  Negative - red  /  Neutral – orange.
Each pastoral item shows the report type, the date/time it was submitted, and the staff member that created the item.
To click on any pastoral item will open the pastoral report details screen for that item, this allows you to view the full details, and the data log listing any additional items or report updates.
Pastoral Types are managed by your school, however, some are set by default as part of the initial Reach setup.
Details on how to manage pastoral settings, please view this Guide: Configure Pastoral Settings

Medical History

Similar to the pastoral section, however, this section only lists medical or medication pastoral report types.
These are listed in chronological order, starting with the most recent at the top, each item shows the report type, with the date/time it was submitted, and the staff member that created the item.
To click on any item will open the pastoral report details screen for that item, this allows you to view the full details, and the data log listing any additional items or report updates.

Wellbeing History

Similar to the pastoral and medical section, however, this section only lists wellbeing pastoral report types.
Listed in chronological order, starting with the most recent at the top, each item shows the report type, with the date/time it was submitted and the staff member that created the item.
To click on any item will open the pastoral report details screen for that item, this allows you to view the full details, and the data log listing any additional items or report updates.

Quick Note Tab

This section allows you to quickly add a pastoral note that relates to the selected student.
  1. Simply select a category from your full report type listing 
    1. Then click the Edit button to open the Record Pastoral Note section 
  2. Enter your report details as required
  3. Then click done, this will save and close the tab
  4. Click the Staff button, this will open the Contacts page, highlight the staff members to inform
    1. Once all are highlighted, click the green select button, this will save and close the tab
  5. Select the Access Level required from Staff-only, Sensitive, or Confidential
  6. Add or adjust the pastoral score if required
    1. A number may appear by default, this is connected to the pastoral report type
  7. Select or deselect the communications method required
  8. Once all is complete, click Save Note
The quick notes tab also provides fast access to open the full pastoral report platform. Simply click the blue 'Open as Report' button at the bottom, this will open a Reach tab to the Create Pastoral Report page, with full access to write, save and submit a detailed report.

Detailed information regarding pastoral reports, please view the following; Article: Create Pastoral Report
Pastoral Notes can also be entered on-the-go in the Reach Mobile App. 
Find more information in this Article: Staff Mobile App User Guide

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