ARTICLE: Student Sidebar Overview

ARTICLE: Student Sidebar Overview

The Student Sidebar is where you can access individual student information at the click of a button. The Student Sidebar displays historic and relevant information from their profile.  In most screens within REACH, clicking on a student's name will open their profile in the Student Sidebar. You can also access the Student Sidebar from every screen in REACH by directly by clicking the three horizontal bars icon in the top-right corner.

Important functions when viewing or using the Student Sidebar View

The sidebar has four (4) different viewing tabs:

Boarder Summary

  1. Clicking the student's photo will show an enlarged view of their photo.
  2. Clicking the Location icon will open the Kiosk View for that student allowing for a quick location change, SISO them to their next leave or sign them up for an upcoming event.
  3. Clicking the icon with the three off-centered horizontal bars will expand the Student Daily Timeline, enabling you to see all the student's interactions within REACH for any selected day.
  4. Clicking the icon with three horizontal bars will access the student's Boarder Summary, which provides greater detail for many areas within REACH.

  1. Clicking the Padlock Icon will open Restriction Details to manage Gating/Grounding of the student. See Article: Gating/Grounding Restrictions
  2. Clicking the envelope will open a new window to send the student an email .
  3. Clicking the single person icon will open the students profile for editing in People Management (accessibility depends on the user's infinity settings).
  4. Clicking on the Health icon will display the student's allergy alerts and emergency contacts (accessibility depends of schools' integrations with medical systems).
  5. The red box with a number indicator will display that student's current pastoral points (visibility depends on school's use of pastoral points). ARTICLE: Pastoral Points
  6. UDF (User Defined Fields) Customizable fields that display additional information relating to the selected student.  Icons configured with UDFs appear near student photo in Kiosk View.  ARTICLE: UDF Help Display Additional Information
  7. Quotas display any configured quotas and how many remain for the student (accessibility depends on the user's infinity settings). ARTICLE: Setting Quotas in REACH


  1. Displays information for contacts that are associated with the student, including Parents, Hosts and Emergency Contacts.

Student History

  1. Quickly view records for Leave, SISO, Rollcall, Pastoral, Medical and Wellbeing.  Filter by day, week, month or all time view.

Quick Note

  1. Quickly add a pastoral note relating to the selected student, or select the 'Open as Report' button at the bottom of the section to view the fullscreen to Create Pastoral Report.

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