ARTICLE: Student Summary

ARTICLE: Student Summary

This Dashboard is provided to view the collated information of individual student profiles within your schools the Reach Portal. The goal of the Summary dashboard is to provide a holistic view of student activities, display all relevant transactions, and deliver linked views for information regarding activities outside of the Reach system.

Reach Student Life connects easily to many external systems, the Dashboard is a great example of this with integration from the 'Flourishing at Schools' system and Consent2Go. Information gathered via these external sources increases the data available regarding a student, to help staff ensure awareness and to provide better care.

If you do not use or can not access the Summary Dashboard, please contact your school's Reach Portal Administrator to update your accessibility settings.
Contact Reach if you would like to investigate linking other student information pages to your Student Summary dashboard.

How to Access

This can be achieved in two ways;

Firstly, Go To: Dashboards >> Student Summary

By default the student that was last viewed will show in the Summary, to select another student, simply use the 'Click Here' drop-down menu.

Secondly, Go To: Student Sidebar >> Select Student >> Student Summary

Click the Menu icon on the top right-hand side, select the required student via the drop-down menu, then click the Student Summary icon. 
To close the Student Sidebar, click the top menu icon again.

How to Navigate  

There are five key sections;

First, the basics, with the student's profile photo, and name

Second, the Location and quick access Icons may differ based on your Reach Portal and school settings
  1. Location Indicator, in the example image, Boarding House is noted by its corresponding colour
  2. Padlock Icon, click this to open the Restriction Details pop-up
    1. ARTICLE: Gating and Grounding Restrictions 
  3. Mail icon, when clicked will open the default email service on your device
  4. Person Icon, when clicked will open the student's Personal Profile
  5.  Number Indicator shows the current Pastoral Points for this student
    1. ARTICLE: Pastoral Points
Third, Personal Data Icons listing student information and contact details
  1. House Icon - House/Dorm
  2. Bed Icon - Room Number
  3. Calendar Icon - Year/Grade
  4. Phone Icon - Contact Number
  5. Mail Icon - Email Address
  6. Location Pin - Home Address
  7. Gift Icon - Date of Birth (Age)
Fourth, the Navigation zone, with a list of clickable Summary Section links to view as required
  1. The list of Section Links may differ based on three elements affecting the Reach Portal of your school
    1. Reach extension modules must be connected and enabled
    2. External Software/Platforms must be integrated
    3. Access and Permissions must be enabled in Reach and in your Personal Profile 
  2. Each section of the Navigation zone is explained in the corresponding area below.
Fifth, the Actions Icons at the bottom of the Navigation section         
  1. Gating Icon, when the padlock icon is clicked, will open the Restriction Details pop-up window
  2. Email Icon, when clicked, will open the default email service on your device
  3. Edit Profile Icon, when clicked, will open the Personal Profile of the current student, edit as required, and remember to click Save

Summary Sections Explained


The Association page displays all of the associated contacts for each student, that has been created in the Reach system. These approved contacts play a critical role, as they determine with whom a student is permitted to depart the campus.
Associations can be Parents, Guardians, or Hosts, that are approved to act as a Guardian of the student for off-campus leave events. These may be set from either direction using the personal profiles; eg: Student to Host or Host to Student.
When a student is creating a Leave Request with their login, they may only select from Hosts that they are already associated with, and vice versa for Parents. If a parent has added a new host and they have not associated that host with the student, then leave cannot be created, as that host will not appear in the Leave Creation Form to be selected.

The example image below shows the associations for a student.

Contact details are available for each associated contact, if they have been entered into their personal profile.
Edit icon - If you hover, it will turn blue, if you click the icon, it will open their profile details for editing.
Phone Number - is view-only data
Email Address - If you click the email address of a contact, this will open the default email service on your device.
Address - If you click the address of a contact, this will open a new tab page within Reach and show the address on Google Maps.


The Pastoral view provides a list of recorded pastoral and wellbeing notes for each student, these are listed in chronological order, starting with the most recent. Each Pastoral Record shows as a separate card, click a card to expand its details in the right-hand side column of the page.
The difference between Pastoral Record types is indicated by coloured Icons and lighter shaded matching cards. 

Positive - shown as green
 Negative - shown as red
 Neutral - shown as orange

Pastoral Types are set and managed by your school, many Pastoral Types are set as default by Reach. Further details on how to setup and manage Pastoral Types can be found in the accessibility article.

NOTE: Visibility of medical notes and medication records can be determined on a per-user basis.

New Pastoral notes can be created from Pastoral Management or from Staff Duty Reports and follow-up notes to original records will automatically be added to the original note.

An additional area of Pastoral Reporting is Pastoral Points
ARTICLE: Pastoral Points

The example image below shows the timeline history of Pastoral and Medical notes.


SISO stands for 'Sign in Sign out' and the SISO summary is a timeline view-only area, showing all of the location movements the student has made in their daily boarding life. A chronological list, with date, time, the IP Address of the device used, and colour-coded locations (set and managed by your school and represented throughout Reach). 

A significant feature update has been the SISO insight, which allows you to view a list, if available, that shows all other students that were at the same location at the same time the specified student had checked into. Scroll to search the required timeline item, then click the Eye Icon, a pop-up will appear to reveal the data. 

The SISO timeline of any student can be shared with their parents and guardians by exporting a report.
Go To: Reporting >> Instant Reports >> SISO Summary 


The Rollcall screen shows a list of all rollcalls or registers that have been taken involving the student and their status in that rollcall or register.
Hovering over any individual item will display the details of the particular item listing the date/time, category, who marked the student in the event, and, if present, any notes that were written to the student's profile in the rollcall or register.
As can be seen in the example image below, the Roll Call items list down the page chronologically by date, the items of that day then list chronologically across the page by time. Details also can be seen for an individual item in the pop-up.
Rollcall data can be printed or exported for use as required. There are two quick methods explained in the following article link. 

Leave History 

The Leave History view provides a full list of all leave items that the student has taken. This includes Exeat leave events and Quick Leave events.
This section is a significant improvement over the Student Sidebar view, as it provides for a full view of all relevant information for a leave event without having to open the event details screen.
Each Leave Item is represented on a colour card as green/orange/red and listed down the page in item order. The code (eg; #2269) per item is generated by the system when a New Leave Request is created and is then used throughout Reach to quickly track data. 
Click on any Leave Item card to open the Leave Details Tab and view the full information for that item.

Flourishing and Wellbeing

The Wellbeing view taps into the 'Flourishing at Schools' system which is an application external to Reach. Schools using the 'Flourishing at Schools' platform can connect their 'Flourishing' portals to Reach so that the student profile displays the Wellbeing Report that is available via 'Flourishing'.
In the example below, the external information page Wellbeing is displayed which links into the Positive Education framework of 'Flourishing at Schools'.  

This is an External Platform, Please contact Flourishing at School to setup your school.
The Platform must then be integrated into your school's Reach Portal and Infinity Permissions must be enabled per user.

Performance Reports

In this view-only section, the completed Performance Reports regarding this particular student are listed for a quick review.

These valuable reports are generated via the extension module Performance Reports which lets you design, complete and distribute any number of performance reporting templates. These are created and managed by your school.
A report that generates data for multiple students, eg; an entire year/grade will generate a reporting history for each individual that is being marked and results will appear in the student's profile, and the Student Summary. The completed reports can be distributed to staff or can be made accessible to parents via their Reach login.

There are three components to the Performance Report module:

Template Management is where you design your report templates, create the reporting sections, the layout, scoring, and comment sections for each report template.
Report Management is where you determine which Templates are currently open for scoring and who the subjects are for that report.
Report Scoring Matrix is the dashboard where you score the components for each report template that is currently open for completion.

ARTICLE: Performance Reports  

Reach: Now Reports

Reach: Now is a versatile tool designed to help you manage and improve communications within your school community. The system provides a secure, authenticated platform where your communication records are captured and historically reportable. 

In this section, you can Generate, View, and Download the Communications Reports of any individual student within the Reach Portal, this includes the Direct Message Chat, and Noticeboards features. 

Adjust the Start/End date fields by clicking each section to reveal the interactive calendar. Add any Contributors and/or Keywords that may assist to refine your search, then click the blue Generate Report button. Once you have the required data, you can click the Download Report button for a direct file download to your device.

This is an Extension Module that must be enabled for your school's Reach Portal and Infinity Permissions must be enabled per user. 


The Consent2Go view taps into the 'Consent2Go Medical Viewport' system which is an application external to Reach. Schools using 'Consent2Go' can connect to their Reach Portal so that the student profile displays the relevant data that is available.
The Consent2Go Platform is used for the management of medical information of student populations, student medical profiles built in this platform are directly viewable within your Reach portal once integrated.
In the example below, colour-coded sections highlight external information that can be used quickly by staff to keep informed.  

This is an External Platform, Please contact Consent 2 Go to setup your school.
The Platform must then be integrated into your school's Reach Portal and Infinity Permissions must be enabled per user.


UDF stands for 'User Defined Fields' and this feature allows the creation of custom fields (Max 10) that can be used to display information specifically relevant to your school and student's, these will then be viewable via the Student SideBar Menu, the Student Kiosk screen as Icons per student card and the Student Summary Dashboard. This student data assists in making the information easily accessible to staff, and can be influential in how your workflows operate. 

To create and manage the settings of your UDF's, this is a two-step process.

Go To: System Configuration >> User Defined Fields
Create and Manage all UDF items, including Title, and Ordinal Number 

Go To:  People Management >> Student Profile >> User Defined Tab
Create and Manage UDF data for each student via their Personal Profile 


The Events section is a basic view-only area, a timeline of the selected student's Event history, showing items that the student was Invited to, had Accepted, had been Waitlisted for, or had Declined. The list runs chronologically down the page in order of the date the Event was created in the system, with a colour card detailing the basic information of that Event, its Status, its Event ID number and the Name of the Event.

ARTICLE: Reach Events 
This is an Extension Module that must be enabled for your school's Reach Portal and Infinity Permissions must be enabled per user. 


In this view-only section, the results of completed Grading documents regarding this particular student are listed for a quick review.

These results are generated via the Grading extension module which lets you design, complete and distribute any number of forms and check lists, these are created and managed by your school and my include; Study Group Lists, Dorm Inspections, or Equipment Safety Lists.
A Grading document that generates data for multiple students, eg; a Dorm Inspection for an entire House/Dorm will generate a Grading result for each individual that is being marked and results will appear here.

Simply select the Start/End dates required and click Search.
A Blue box will indicate the name of Grading that was completed and the table view shows the results, the search bar can then be used to source a particular item, or the Up/Down Arrows in each column header can be used to filter the table results.

A comprehensive completed search of all Grading Results can be done via Reporting, where generated lists can be downloaded and distributed as required. 
Go To: Dashboards >> Reporting >> Grading Results Aggregator

This is an Extension Module that must be enabled for your school's Reach Portal and Infinity Permissions must be enabled per user. 

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