Items in the General Configuration relate to the primary settings that apply across all modules in Reach.
School Name
The school name is displayed in the top left-hand corner of REACH and is also used throughout all of your correspondence and notification templates in Reach. It can also be displayed on the login page of your web portal.
Pre-Approved Leave Location
When you sign a student out to a leave event this is the default location that your students will be placed in for your Kiosk View. The default setting in your initial setup of Reach is a location called Approved Leave. This is a location that generically means that a student has been signed off-campus to an approved leave event, handed over to somebody else's care for an approved off-campus leave event.
You can change this setting to any location that is in your Reach Location settings if you wish however it is important to be aware that this location is "not" available for students to select in their off-campus locations list. This location can only be accessed by signing out to an approved leave event.

You can override this default location for any individual Leave Type by setting a different SISO location in the Leave Type configuration settings.
Display Pre-Approved Leave Location
Choose whether staff are able to SISO a student to the pre-approved leave location without creating a leave request.
On-Campus Location
When a student returns to Campus from Leave, this is the default location that your student will be returned to. You can change this setting to any location that is in your Reach Location settings if you wish.
Boarders See On-Campus Locations
Students have access to the Quick SISO Widget on their Dashboard. This will determine whether they see On-Campus Locations in that widget.
Boarders See Off-Campus Locations
Students have access to the Quick SISO Widget on their dashboard. This will determine whether they can see Off-Campus Locations in that widget.
Staff Boarder Override PIN
During SISO at a kiosk, you can set any location to require a Boarder PIN number when it is being selected. This override PIN allows staff to mimic a student in cases where the boarder may have forgotten their PIN.

Boarder PIN override is different to a normal Staff PIN number. The Override PIN number only allows a staff member to mimic being a student in cases where the student is required to input a PIN number but cannot remember their personal PIN number. The Staff PIN number is used to identify a staff member.
This allows you to set how the student name appears in the Kiosk dashboard. The options are
- Surname, First Name (Doe, Johnathan)
- Preferred Name Only/Surname, First Name if no Preferred Name (John or if no preferred name is set, Doe, Johnathan)
- First Name Surname (Johnathan Doe)
- Surname, First Name Initial Only (Doe, J)
- Surname, Preferred Name/First Name if no preferred name (Doe, John or if no Preferred Name is set, Doe, Johnathan)
- Preferred Name Surname (John Doe or if no preferred name is set, Doe)
Set the format for your date display.
Set your preferred time format.
- 12 Hour AM/PM (eg: 02:25 PM)
- 24 Hour Military (14:25 PM)
Headless Kiosk
When using student sign-in sign-out kiosks, you can provide a blank screen so that students are not able to see other student details using the Headless Kiosk.
Headless Biopad
When using student sign-in sign-out Biopads, you can provide a blank screen so that students are not able to see other student details using the Headless Biopad.
Ext Update Details
Prevent or allow external users (ie: non-staff) to update their personal details. Setting this to NO is recommended when API connection to your school's database is being made to populate student, parents, and contact details the contact details will be controlled by your student information system so any changes to personal details in Reach will not be maintained past the next scheduled sync with your student information system.
Ext Update Hosts
Prevent or allow parents to create and update Host information for their associated Hosts.
Allow SSO via Google
Allow OAuth sign-in for users using their Google Authentication.

Usernames for accounts using OAuth to sign-in are required to have their Google email in the username field
Show Campus Restricted Symbol in Kiosk Only Mode
Display or hide the Campus Restricted symbol over a student's picture on the Kiosk dashboard.
Show Campus Restricted Symbol in Staff Kiosk
Display or Hide the Gated symbol in the student view of the Kiosk dashboard.
Select Timezone
Which Named Timezone region should REACH use to set its clocks? This will include DST automatically.
Select Default Language
Choose the language in which REACH communications are sent in by default?
SISO Window
Choose how many hours a student should be allowed to SISO to Leave Request prior to the leave's departure time.
Idle Minutes Until Lock Screen
Set how many minutes can pass before an idle REACH account will lock and require a password to enter. Enter a number between 5 and 9,999
Idle Minutes Until Session Logout
Set how many minutes can pass before an idle lock screen with log the user out. Enter a number between 5 and 9,999
Mobile App PIN Window
Choose how many minutes can pass before a PIN is required for a staff member to log into the mobile app.
Forgotten Password Link
When left blank, Reach will use the system default for resetting passwords. If your school uses synced passwords from an external database, you can redirect users to reset their passwords elsewhere.
Kiosk Notes
Allow notes to be entered when a student uses a Kiosk account to SISO
Kiosk Lockdown Accounts
Choose how many minutes can pass before a PIN is required for a staff member to log into the mobile app.
Bulk SISO Sticky Note Behaviour
Choose how the system should handle Sticky Notes when students are bulk SISO'd
Pastoral Points Timeframe
Choose the timeframe used to calculate cumulative pastoral points count in the sidebar.
Remote Authorization
Choose whether Staff Pin requests should be handled by a remote authorization or not.
Support Chatbot
Choose whether the support widget should be shown in the bottom right corner of the screen
Disable Ad Hoc in Live Rollcall
Choose whether the "Start Ad Hoc" button should be displayed in Live Rollcall
Choose whether the you want to allow boarders to opt out of meals.
Blur Headless Kiosk Background
Choose whether you want to blur Headless Kiosk background image.