ARTICLE: UDFs Help Display Additional Information

ARTICLE: UDFs Help Display Additional Information

Getting there: System Configuration > User Defined Fields

User Defined Fields allow you to create a range of custom fields that can be used to display information that is relevant for your school in the Student Side Bar AND on the Student Kiosk screen.  


There are and unlimited number of custom User Defined Fields available for you to create in Reach, and you can set the following optional display details for each User Defined Field.
  1. The order that they display in the Student Sidebar
  2. Whether an icon for the UDF displays in the Student Kiosk screen

  3. What color the icon will be displayed as in the Student Kiosk screen

Display icon only when the UDF has content

When icons are selected for display in the Student Kiosk screen, an icon will only display for students that have content added for the UDF field. That is, only students with an identified Medical Issue in the example above will display any icon.

How to set and use User Defined Fields

Using User Defined Fields is a two step process.

 1.  In your System Configuration section, select "Add UDF" to create a new UDF.  Name your UDF, select the sequence that you would like them to display on your student sidebar.  Finally, select whether you would like it to display an icon in the Student Kiosk screen, and if so, what color the icon will appear in the Kiosk screen.

Got to System Config > User Defined Fields

 2. In the Personal Profile for each of your students you can enter their relevant status for each User Defined Field being used.  Go to People Management > Student Profile > User Defined

UDFs can also be bulk updated by using the "Basic Boarder Importer Template - Exclude Deleted Contacts" found by going to Data Management > Export Data.  Be sure to enter in column headers that match your UDFs so upon import the UDFs are imported into the correct UDF field for each student.  Upload the completed excel file with the updated UDF entries to and our team will be happy to import the file to your portal.  

Viewing UDFs in the Reach App via the Student Profile

The Student Profile screen provides access to the current student’s profile information and logged report data.  It represents to the Mobile App, what the Student Sidebar represents to the Reach Web Portal.  This area is a set of viewing screens only, there are no actionable transactions. Phone Numbers and Email Addresses highlighted Blue, once tapped will prompt the required service within your Mobile Device to action. 

To view a student's UDFs, select Kiosk from the red bottom menu bar, then tap the student and choose the Student Profile button, and select the UDF icon to view the student's UDFs.


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