ARTICLE: Basic Information

ARTICLE: Basic Information

Basic Information 

Reach Student Life Management system is a web based application. It is available for you to use 24/7 from any PC, tablet computer or mobile device which has an internet connection.
For those with a smartphone, Reach also provides a native app which will enable you to create and approve leave requests from your mobile device.
Please keep the following in mind when operating the Reach Student Life Management system because as a web application there are some subtle differences about operating Reach on your web browser and viewing normal websites on your web browser.
 Web applications like Reach do not use the browser's back/forward buttons. Please refrain from using them when operating Reach as this will cause Reach to behave incorrectly.
 Sometimes network errors will occur. If you receive an error message, simply click OK and Refresh your Browser. This will fix 99% of most errors immediately. Any errors that continue to occur need to be reported to your school or to the Reach support desk.
 CAPS LOCK is your enemy. If you cannot log in, please check to ensure that Caps Lock is turned off.
 Please use the Save, Update and Cancel buttons because pressing Enter may not always do what you think it will do.
 Cookies and Javascript need to be turned on in your web browser.
!! Don't be alarmed if you do not understand how to do this.  Most modern web browsers have both Cookies and Javascript activated by default so only action this if you have manually switched them off on your browser.
 Data Field Auto Complete

 Auto Complete is a text box that allows you to start typing and a drop down list box appears with items that partially match what you have typed. Simply start typing and the list will automatically filter the results based on your typing.  
If an item exists in the list that matches your typing then it will be selected.
Pressing up or down on your keyboard will allow you to select an item in the drop down list box. Pressing Enter (or Tab) will select that item for you.
*Please Note: If you select an item in the drop down list box and then nothing appears in the text box afterwards, your selection was NOT successful. You will need to try again. Click on the text box and simply press the DOWN arrow key. This will trigger the drop down list box again and you can then attempt to select the item once again.

 Date Picker

A Date Picker control has two methods of input; 
1.  You can manually enter a date (in the format of DD/MM/YYYY)
2.  You can use the calendar popup to navigate to the date and click on the date.
These controls are designed to maintain a uniform date data entry. 

 Time Picker 

A Time Picker control looks like the face of a watch and you have two methods of data input;
1.  You can manually enter the time in the format HH:MM (depending on your portal's time setting, you may need to enter in a 24 hours clock, so 4:00pm would be entered as 16:00)
 2.  Select the time using the dropdown selector.  Select the hour first and then click into the minute text box to type in the minutes.
These controls are designed to maintain a uniform time data entry.

 Drop Down

Drop Down is a standard control that simply allows you to select the input data from a preset list of items. After selecting the control you can use your UP or DOWN arrow keys to navigate between items.

 Text Box

Text Box is a standard control that allows for any free-form text to be entered.

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