Gating and Grounding boarders in REACH

Gating or Grounding students in REACH

You can prevent any student from applying for leave when they are gated or grounded for disciplinary reasons. When a student if gated in REACH they are prevented from requesting leave and from signing out to any locations on or off campus.  

Gating students from the sidebar

There's a new control for gating students on your student sidebar.  The Gating Lock icon will display white by default and red when a student has been gated.

What does Gating or Grounding a student do?

Students cannot request Leave, Students cannot sign out to any locations

Parents can still request leave

Staff can still sign a student out to locations on or off campus, Staff can still request and approve leave for a student.

Control who has access to manage Gating

The Gating status icon is visible to all staff and it will appear red when a student is gated.  You can control who has authority to set or edit a student's gating status by managing the accessibility controls of your individual staff members or their Role Type in REACH.  Only permitted staff will be able to gate or ungate students.

You can set access for the management of gating status for staff with their Accessibility controls in the People Management section.

How to Gate or Ground students

For staff or faculty that have permission to manage the gating status of students clicking on the gating icon in the student sidebar of the student profile will open the Gating Controls dialogue. Staff that do not have permission to manage the gating status of students will not have access to the Gating Controls, they will see only a description of the current gating status of the student when they click on the gating icon.

Set the Time & Date
You can set the start and end date and time for any gating incident.  If you leave the End Date blank then the gated status of the student will be maintained indefinitely until the student is manually ungated.

Add the Reason
Provide details of why the student is being gated and any additional commentary.  Gating incidents will be captured as a pastoral note in the student's pastoral history. A report can then be generated whenever it is required to list all gating incidents for a student or group of students over any time frame.

Notify Student and Parents
Gating incidents are automatically shared with students by email and push message to their mobile app. There is also an option to share the details of the incident with the student's parents by email and push message.  Clicking the selection box will include parents into the notification.

Quick Ungate
You can ungate a student at any using the ungate button.  This is how you can ungate students that have been gated idefinitely and how you can ungate a student early from an existing gating status.

Notify Staff & Faculty
You can select any staff or faculty that need to be notified about this gating in the staff to inform field. Here you can add individual staff & faculty members or use the drop down selector to select any of your staff groups that have been created.

How to remove or cancel gated status for a student

Students who are gated or grounded can have their gating status removed immediately by selecting the green Remove gating Status button.

How to run a Gating report

Gating reports are generated in the Pastoral Reports section of the Quick Reporting module.  All gating incidents will be saved to the student's record as pastoral notes in the Gating pastoral category so generating a report is simply a matter of reporting the pastoral category for the time frame that you want to report and for the student, or group of students, that you want to report.

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