Having the ability to see the Students in your care
To summarise these new releases;
- New Filter Options
- Rollcall and Multifunctionality
- Student Side Bar - Historical Views, Daily,Weekly,Monthly and All Time
New feature requests are submitted via the Suggestion Box.
We are now releasing the new layout with added filters, so you see your students from login. The Groups that you are assigned to by your System Administrator will be your default view.
Each Dashboard page will allow you to change this view if you need too, otherwise you see who you need to see.
If you are waiting for students to return from leave, then only these students will appear in your Airport, so those who are RED are late and under your care.
School's which have multiple dwellings will be able to filter down to just their own groups, not having to sort through student content, it will just be on your screen.Rollcall and MultitaskingTaking the Rollcall, during study,prep,weekend or even while out on excursion, is made easy.
However, your rollcall can be done via, Boarder,House,Dorm,Location,Group as well as multitasking.
Just select the student name in RollCall (List View Only) the Student Sidebar opens to allow you to perform other tasks.
Taking the Rollcall during final Bed Check you then also comment on that student's room or any category you decide (All categories are configured by user in System Configuration)
Student Side Bar
Remember Students are always RIGHT so their side bar is on the RIGHT
The side bar which allows you to see all details of your boarder while not having to leave the screen, has already had a make over. Now you can see the historical view for Leave, SISO and Rollcall, by default you will see the week view.
Rollcall by Category
Rollcall can be taken depending on House,Dorm,Year,Location and Group. Even when on excursion you can use REACH to take accurate Rollcall of students.
However with Rollcall you could report on the daily Rollcall's but not by category.
Let's say you want to see all Year 08 students at breakfast for the first week of term, even though REACH time stamp's its rollcall's how would you know which rollcall was which. In System Configuration you can begin to categorise these in preparation for the new release.
Add your Categories easily