ARTICLE: Reach Staff Primer

ARTICLE: Reach - Staff Primer

Welcome to Reach Student Life Management
The Reach platform is the global leader in  software systems for boarding schools, day schools, and camps. It provides a comprehensive set of features that help manage student populations and duty of care.

Reach is cloud-based and can be accessed from any device with an internet connection, using either a web browser or via the mobile app, which is available for Apple and Android devices through their online stores. This document is designed to provide a quick overview for staff on the most common screens and functions used during daily operations using the Reach web portal.
Reach via the Mobile App is detailed in this  Article:  Staff - Mobile App - User Guide

While this document is a great starting point to introduce the main functionality of the Reach platform, the Staff Room   contains quick guides, video tutorials, and extension module guides, to which you have full access. The Reach Help Center is also a valuable resource of information, community discussions, and to create tickets for the Reach Support Team.
Quick link:  Reach Staff Room
Quick link: Reach Help Center
How to access all Reach Support Elements are described in the Support section of this document

How to navigate in Reach

The navigation sections of the Reach portal screen are the; Main Menu , Header Bar , and My Account, the functions, and features available  will differ with active access settings and extension modules, as managed by your school.

Main Menu
The icons running down the left-hand side of the screen are your Main Menu, this list provides you with quick access to all menu items, and is available at all times, c lick each item to reveal the functions within each mini menu.

Header Bar
The  icons running across the top left of the screen are quick links , some standard features include;

Three Lines - Click this to expand or collapse the Main Menu, to show icons only, or icons plus titles
Green + - Click this for a pop-out menu with quick links to the most common tasks
Go To... - A drop-down menu with a scrollable list of quick links to common tasks
Cloud - Glowing green indicates you are currently online
Bell - Click this to open the notifications mailbox, the bell will change colour to notify of incoming messages
Calendar - Click this to open the calendar tab 
Lightning Bolt - This is Pulse, and it indicates the Reach portal is actively connected to the main server for fast updates
Question Mark - Click this to open the Reach Help Center in a new browser window -

My Account 
In  the right-hand corner of the Reach screen, your name and profile image appear, click this area to open  My Account , t his is available at all times while navigating from all pages within Reach.

Common Functions

Available functions, features, and icons will differ with active access settings and extension modules, as managed by your school.
The most common screens and functions that you will use in Reach are;

1. The Metrics View screen is your dashboard and landing page when you log into Reach
2. The Kiosk View screen is used to sign in and sign out (SISO)  students to on/off campus locations
3. The Student Sidebar is a quick view of student profiles and transaction history
4. The Airport View screen (Student Movements) displays the known movements on and off-campus for the next 24 hours
5. The Take Rollcall screen is used to take and submit rollcalls
6. The Live Rollcall screen is used to take a rollcall across multiple devices / locations simultaneously 
7. The Pastoral Note screen to write and submit student pastoral records
8. The Duty Report screen to write end-of-shift duty reports
9. The Manage Leave screen to view and manage the status of student leave items
Detailed explanations of the above sections and all areas of Reach are available in the User Guide and Knowledge Base


Metrics View 

Go to:  Dashboards >> Metrics View
The Metrics View section is your Reach Dashboard and landing page when logged in. This will display a range of current and relevant information for the happenings in your school.

Dashboard Sections Explained

Students by Location
  1. The top of this section shows the current ‘Entire School’ student number
  2. The pie chart is a quick reference to current student locations/numbers, which updates live across the platform
    1. All pie locations and colours are created and managed by your school
  3. Hovering over a slice of the pie, a pop-up box will inform you of that Location and current student number
  4. If you click on a slice of pie, a slide menu will appear with student photos and names, if you then click on a student, the student sidebar menu will appear from the right-hand side, allowing access to individual student information
  5. Two large, coloured circles indicate current numbers of students on and off-campus
  6. Locations box & name allows you to click on/off that location to affect the pie chart
  7. The settings cog icon can be seen throughout Reach when required to provide additional functionality
    1. The cog allows for filtering/adjustments/control of that widget/section/page
Activity Metrics 
  1. Six tabs, each with colours and numbers to represent live data
  2. The top two show Pending/Approved leave numbers. Click one to open the manage leave section
  3. The next two tabs show student Arrivals/Departure numbers from the airport view section
  4. The bottom left tab shows Today’s Rollcalls, a click opens the check-in summary page
  5. The bottom right tab shows Today’s Pastoral, a click opens the current pastoral reports list, click a line item to review
  1. Live data of the current week’s meals required, shown as mealtimes and days
  2. Buttons at the bottom of this section allow quick actions
    1. Email to Kitchen, including/excluding, previous/next week, checking returns
  3. Built into the data are the specific student’s dietary requirements including; allergy warnings, short term restrictions due to medical or dates of birthdays, all data is managed by your school via People Management >> Select Student Profile >> Medical >> Conditions
  4. If you open the Meals Dashboard from the main menu, greater information/control is provided regarding; special meals, meals per individual, and requirements viewed by overview or by day
  1. This section shows today’s birthdays and upcoming birthdays
  2. Use the settings cog to change the view to reveal birthdays for students/staff/entire campus
  1. News will show items created/posted by staff listing chronologically
    1. The News feature is configured via System Configuration >> News
  2. Clicking on a News item will open a new page tab with the full news information
  3. Create items to share with your staff, the Reach team will also post news items regarding updates and new features
  4. To view and manage news items go to; Communication >> View News Management

Kiosk screen

Go to:  Dashboards >> Kiosk View
The Kiosk screen is used to  sign in and sign out (SISO) students from various on and off-campus locations, including signing them out to or returning from approved leave.

Filters in the Kiosk screen
Customisation: Each item in each filter drop-down menu is 100% created and managed by your school, and items must be created before they can be used.

Kiosk Drop-Down Menu Filters
  1. All Houses/Dorms - System Configuration >> Lookups
    1. This can list entire buildings names, sections in buildings, or names of dorms
  2. All Years/Grades - System Configuration >> Lookups
    1. Filter by school year/grade also by male and female and per year/grade
  3. All Locations - System Configuration >> Locations
    1. On/Off Camus locations could include; library, bike riding, junior/senior study rooms
  4. All Groups - System Configuration >> Groups
    1. Groups menu contains sub-groups, each group contains items managed by your school
      1. Student e.g., school band, Covid permit, or excursion group
      2. Staff e.g., coaches or tutor groups
      3. Event e.g., dance showcase, cinema reward, or camp group
      4. Sport e.g, basketball team, hockey team or football team
      5. General e.g., shopping trip, beach trip

Alpha Selector
  1. Located on the right-hand side of the screen
  2. This filter provides quick access to students grouped by last name
  3. Click ‘ALL’ to refresh and show all students
Search Bar
  1. Located under the control Icons on the right-hand side
  2. Start typing a student name, the field of student icons will update directly

Kiosk Icon Filters
Greater functionality is provided via the icons in the top right corner. 

1. Toggle Display
  1. The pop-up will appear for selection, once applied, the selection will be pinned to the top of the student icon field
  2. View the default display or identify late students 
2. Toggle Filters
  1. Toggle between having the drop-down kiosk filters displayed or hidden
  2. The icon will change to orange as shown, to indicate it is currently selected
3. Hard Refresh
  1. Click this icon to force a hard refresh to your browser, this will refresh your session
    1. Any unsaved work will be lost with a Hard Refresh
  2. If changes are made in the system and do not appear after saving, click hard refresh and check again, some changes may take a moment to apply
4. Toggle Locations
  1. Toggle between having the locations legend displayed or hidden
  2. The icon will change to red as shown, to indicate it is currently selected
5. Quick Message
  1. First, select a student by clicking the multi/single toggle
  2. Second, select the required student/s
  3. Third, click the chat icon to open the quick message window
  4. Send your required message via; email, internal, push, or SMS (text messaging rates apply)
  5. Article: How to Quick Message Student / Parent
6. Toggle Multi-Select/Single Select
  1. Multi-select allows for more than one student to be selected to perform a bulk action of a location change or to send quick messages. Use the checkmark in multi-select mode to quickly select all required students
  2. Article: Bulk SISO - Kiosk View
7. Connection Status
  1. Indicates if you are currently online or offline
8. Toggle Staff/Student Kiosk
  1. Toggle between viewing the student or staff kiosk

Locations Legend 
  1. Location names, capacity and colours are created and managed by your school via System Configuration >> Locations
  2. The colour of a location is also shown as a ring around the student’s image and a bar at the bottom of their icon for quick visual awareness
  3. Numbers appear on the colour boxes showing the live number of students per location
  4. If you click on a coloured box, that group will appear in the icon field, as a quick filter
  5. Selecting/deselecting multiple colours/locations, will show/hide in the student icon field directly

Real-time monitoring
Location capacities are managed via  System Configuration >> Locations , once set, real-time monitoring of populations at each location becomes automatic and will be displayed via the traffic light display or with individual population indicators in kiosk view.

Traffic light display appears on the header bar and can be seen at all times, click the icon to open the location capacity monitor to view details per location. A number indicates per colour to show how many locations are currently affected.

Capacity indicators will be displayed in the coloured box for that location within the kiosk screen
As shown in the example image above;
  1. Orange Study JNR is indicating 6 students are currently in that location
  2. Orange Study SNR is indicating with a red dot that the location has exceeded capacity 
The capacities are indicated by the following colours;
  1. Blue – close to capacity    
  2. Orange – capacity dangerously high
  3. Red - capacity exceeded

Icon Field – Student Slides 
Each student slide will show additional personal information based on their  current data, this may include; profile photos, names, upcoming or late returning from leave, current location, and icons.
Icons via User Defined field
  Go To:   People management >> View Contacts >> Select Student >> User Defined  
User Defined Fields (UDF) allow you to create a range of custom fields that can be used to display information that is relevant for your school, these are then viewable via the student sidebar and in kiosk view. 
Here are four examples of how UDF icons can represent student data;
  1. Small car – noting the student can drive, vehicle registration could also be shown upon hovering the mouse
  2. Medical staff – can mean check-ups, vaccinations, inoculations, or dates 
  3. Stethoscope – can mean that student carries a ventilator or an EpiPen is required
  4. Warning Triangle – can be used as a strong warning
Article:  User Defined Fields
Icons via Sticky Note
Sticky Note icon is located on the header bar 
  1. A sticky note can be used as a reminder on sign-out, e.g., 'remember to take medication'
  2. Click the icon to open
  3. Enter your note details, select the required student
  4. Tick the alert and expiry time boxes as required
  5. Select required option for note visibility, SISO and/or approved leave items
Alternately a sticky note can be created/added while creating a new leave item for a student via  Leave management >> Manage Leave >> Add New Leave 
Default sticky notes can also be created per leave type via  System Configuration >> Leave Types >> Add Leave Type >> General 


Icon Field – Student Slides 
  1. Click on a student's image on the kiosk screen to open their specific location options
    1. The SISO page allows for a quick location change for that student, this will update their location directly across Reach
  2. Click on a student's name on the kiosk screen or the SISO page, to open the student sidebar profile for that student 

Within the SISO screen,  the left side grey boxes show available details, this may include; next approved leave, or upcoming events


To select a standard location, this change will appear directly across Reach and close the window, returning to the kiosk screen. 
Clicking other predefined locations may trigger the Flexi-Time option to adjust the return time, as shown in this example.  

To manage the parameters of a location, this can be done at any time via  System Configuration >> Locations .
The following items can be managed for each individual location;
  1. Which location/s each student is permitted to see
  2. Does a location require a student/staff PIN
  3. Is the flexi-time option required
  4. Is the maximum capacity setting required
  5. Does the location require curfew times per day
  6. Is the location to have viewing restrictions per Year/Grade or Houses/Dorm or Groups

Student Sidebar 

The Student Sidebar is where you can access individual student information at the click of a button. This quick access menu displays historic student information and current data from their profile. On most pages, clicking on a student name will open their profile in the Student Sidebar or open it by clicking the three horizontal bars icon in the right-side corner, as seen from every page.
Important functions when viewing or using the Student Sidebar View
The Student Sidebar has four different viewing tabs; 

Student Summary 
  1. Click the profile photo for a larger image
  2. Clicking the coloured location icon will open the kiosk screen for that student
  3. Quick icons that appear may differ, however, may include;
    1. Student timeline and summary, gated, quick email, edit profile, and pastoral points
  4. Student information showing house/dorm, year/grade, phone number, email address, and date of birth
  5. Click the address to open a GPS map for the location
  6. User Defined Fields (UDF) can be managed via System Configurations >> User Defined Fields
  7. Quotas will vary depending on your school settings
  1. The Associations tab details the contact information for that student’s parents, hosts, and emergency contacts, as created by your staff in the profile of each individual student 
  1. The History tab details quick records for leave/SISO/rollcall/pastoral/medical/wellbeing. Click a heading to slide that view open, the history will appear
Quick Note
  1. The Quick Note tab allows you to save a short note, alternately create a full pastoral report by using the open report button at the bottom  

Airport View  

Go to:  Dashboards >> Airport View
The Airport View (Student Movement) screen resembles the arrivals and departures screens that we see at an airport and functions in a similar manner. It provides a list of known movements for students that are scheduled to depart on approved leave events or are returning from off-campus leave events in the next 24 hours. 

Important functions when viewing or using the Airport View
  1. This screen will show you a prefiltered view, based on the settings in your personal staff profile 
    1. This can be adjusted via People Management >> View Contacts >> Groups Managed tab 
    2. Article: Setting Groups Managed - Staff Leave Approvers 
  2. Use the drop-down filters to adjust the arrivals and departures lists
  3. Only approved leave requests for the coming 24 hours will display on the departures screen
    1. Use the bulk sign-out feature by ticking the multiple boxes per student, then click the bulk sign-out button   
  4. The background colour of a late student will be shown as red, this changes automatically based on the time set in the leave item
  5. Clicking on the date/time under the leaving or returning columns of a particular leave item will provide you with multiple action items including;
    1. Edit, quick SISO, add quick time, or send the student an SMS
  6. Clicking the settings cog in the top-right of the airport view, allows you to change how the tables display; horizontally or vertically

Take Rollcall

Go to:  Rollcall Management >> Take Rollcall
Rollcalls and student registers can be done at any time on any device with internet connectivity.
Quickly switch the table view by using the list/grid toggles at the top of your screen.

List View         

Grid View

Important Functions 
  1. F ilter the student group by House/Dorm, Year/Grade, Locations or Groups
  2. Select Rollcall Category – these items are created and managed by your school via System Configuration >> Rollcall Categories   
  3. Show/Hide Leave State button controls the approved leave items and  is identified a coloured suitcase per student, click a suitcase to sign the student in or to mark as processed, the suitcase options are as follows; 
    1. An orange suitcase  - expected to return as per date/time listed in notes
    2. A red suitcase  - not returned, and were expected as per date/time in notes
  4. The Status column provides icons per student to manage your rollcall, a ll students ’must’ be given a value, those icons are; 
    1. Tick to mark as present - will change to green  when selected 
    2. Arrow to mark students as l ate/absent  will change to blue when selected 
    3. X icon - will change to red indicating the student is  absent 
  5. Notes can be given for each student as required
  6. Submit Rollcall button will save the results, if incomplete, a pop-up will notify you 
  7. The Save Rollcall button allows you to save whilst still in progress
    1. Saving a partially complete list will retain the Rollcall for your device login only
  8. Hide Processed button will place the processed students at the bottom of your screen 
  9. Toggle drop-down menu with options to mark all students as;
    1. Present, Absent, SISO'ed, or you can Clear All current status selections to start fresh 
  10. Columns drop-down menu allows you to select/deselect columns as required  
  11. Update Location drop-down menu allows you to automatically SISO students to locations 
    1. Eg, When conducting a rollcall in the dining hall
      1. Select  dining hall from the auto SISO list 
      2. When the rollcall is saved, all students that are marked as present, will auto SISO to the dining hall

Live Rollcall

Go to:  Rollcall Management >> Live Rollcall
Live Rollcalls allow for multiple staff to work collaboratively across the same rollcall, at the same time, and see updates dynamically and in real-time.

It is important to note that when taking a Live Rollcall in collaboration with other staff, you MUST all have the same Rollcall Category selected, otherwise you will not be able to see actions completed from other devices. One staff member may mark a student absent, another staff member may update that mark as present from a different location, or mark that student as accounted-for, if their location is known.

Important Functions 

The first row of filters are the standard Reach filters, t he second row of filters are more specific to Live Rollcalls, and explained as follows; 
  1. Group By: This filter is an extension of the grid view setting
    1. Select Room, First Letter of Surname, House/Dorm, Year/Grade or Location
  2. Default Action: Select Display Selector, Present, Accounted for By Someone Else or Absent
  3. Present Location: Select a location if required
  4. Absent Location: Select a location if required
  5. Rollcall Category: Select a rollcall from your school list
  6. Start Ad Hoc: This feature is used when taking a Live Rollcall that is not currently saved as a Rollcall Category and it will not need to be saved as a future Rollcall Category to use again - this is a one-off Rollcall
    1. Example: ‘a special dorm meeting’, in these instances an Ad Hoc Live Rollcall can be used, if this ability is turned on
    2. Go To: System Configuration >> General 

Countdown Timer: Once a Live Rollcall is started, the timer in the top right corner will countdown to the end of the allotted time. To add additional time, click on the timer and select the additional time required to complete the Live Rollcall
Student Count: Located under the countdown timer, this feature is set to show all students as per your filters, this can be toggled to change the student icon field; 
  1. The first click will show you all students accounted for, the left-side number will become bold, and the icon field will change
  2. The second click will show all remaining students to be accounted for, the right-side number will become bold, and the icon field will change
  3. The third click will return to normal, showing all filtered students, not using bold

Pastoral Note

Go to:  Pastoral Management >> Create Pastoral Report
Pastoral records appear in the student's profile history.  Each record is visible per student via the student sidebar menu and additional notes  can be added to the original record at any time. These notes can then be recirculated to all staff in the list for the item.


Important functions when writing Pastoral Notes
You can write Pastoral Notes for single or multiple students at the same time by simply u sing the drop-down arrow at the end of the Primary field. Each student listed in a pastoral report will have an individual record generated, these are viewable in the student sidebar, or by generating a historic report.  
  1. Select the Staff or Specific Group that you want to share the record with, a dd them individually or use the drop-down menu to select as required 
  2. The current date/time is automatic; however, records can be post-dated if required
  3. Pastoral Score can be entered manually or will appear automatically if predetermined when creating or updating a Pastoral Report Type
  4. The Associated field allows the same functionality as the Primary field, to add additional students to the report
  5. Select the Type of Pastoral Report (Incident)
    1. Each incident type has a cardinality (positive, neutral, negative) and this reflects in the history profile for the student
    2. Pastoral Report Types are created and managed by your school via  System Configuration >> Pastoral
  6. Select the Access Level, by default, all pastoral records will be saved as staff-only, however, you can select sensitive or confidential, and only staff in that circulation list and those with access to view the selected status will see that record
  7. Tags are used to quickly inform the primary student or their parents of the report 
  8. Add Document button allows you to Attach files to the record; documents/photos, etc
  9. The Report Details field is a free-text area for you to detail the information for your report 
  10. Once complete, remember to click Save
Existing Pastoral Records
  1. Opening an existing record will allow you to place follow-up notes as required, these will save and display in chronological order on the initial record
  2. Once a record is created, a record can be viewed in the following quick access ways;   
    1. Pastoral Management >>>
      1. >> Current Reports – showing a list view of recent activity
      2. >> Overview – provides search filters to search for more specific reports
      3. >> Points Aggregator – using search filters to generate results and/or download 
    2. Student Sidebar per individual student will always list their specific records 

Duty Report

Go to:  Staff >> Submit Duty Report
The Duty Report feature allows you to submit and easily share reports with your colleagues. Submitting a report is a simple matter of adding content to the report categories and determining whom the report should be shared with upon completion.
Report formats are configured by your administrator via  System Configuration >> Duty Report Categories 

Important functions when writing Duty Reports
  1. Report Templates allow for different types of Duty Reports to be submitted, such as Dorm Duty Report, Library Study Hall Report, AOD Report, etc.  Availability of different templates dependent on System Configuration settings by your Reach administrator.
  2. The Save As Draft button allows you to partially create a report to complete later 
  3. Select Staff to share your report with individually or by groups using the drop-down menu
  4. Tags allow you to connect the report to as many relevant groups as required
    1. For further details please read the following Article: Staff Duty Reports 
  5. Text Body fields, as shown in the above image as, Dorm Behavior & Study can be seen
    1. The names of these fields are managed by your administrator
    2. Additional text body fields can be created to capture more specific details; parental contact notes, maintenance or medical
  6. Mention of Boarder/Student button per text body field, when clicked will trigger a pop-up
    1. This allows you to add single or multiple students with pastoral categories, pastoral points, tags and to write individual notes
    2. Alternately, use the @ symbol while writing your report to quickly add a student
  7. Once a completed duty report has been submitted, tags will save to the noted student's historic profile
  8. Student Sidebar per individual student will always list their specific records 
  9. View and print historic reports by an individual or group via Staff >> View Duty Reports 

Manage Leave

Go to:  Dashboards >> Manage Leave
The Manage Leave screen is the epicenter of the leave module, where all existing leave requests will be displayed. 

Screen Basics 
  1. Add New Leave button opens the leave details page to create leave for a student
  2. Toggle All allows you to select all line items for quick action
  3. Bulk Actions button show a quick menu to approve or reject those line items selected
  4. Show/Hide provides a quick menu option to select approved/pending/rejected/on leave 
  5. Columns drop-down menu allows you to select/deselect any/all columns as required
  6. Filter drop-down menus House/Dorm, Year/Grade, Locations, Groups and All Leave Types are all created and managed by your school
  7. Up/Down arrows in each column header to filter by the selected column
  8. Search Bar is used to find a particular leave request
Click anywhere on a line item to expand the details of that leave item.
The manage leave screen will be pre-filtered to match the  settings of the Groups Managed tab in your personal profile.


Important functions
All "live" requests will appear on the screen until it is closed, or it expires
  1. State column shows four Leave States:  Pending/Approved/Rejected/On Leave
  2. Actors column shows the titles pre-set by Reach to show the colour status of each actor (leave approver) involved in the process
    1. Hover on an Actor icon to show further details
  3. Properties column shows icons for recurring leave or message
    1. Hover on an icon to be provided further information
  4. Click on a line item to view, that item will expand down to reveal all leave details
    1. In the leave details section, you can; edit, approve or reject a leave event
    2. Leave details is split left/right, with details on the left and the audit trail on the right
  5. The audit trail shows coloured drop-down menus that provide four action options;
    1. Re-send Authorisation, View Contact, Approve by Proxy, or Revoke Action 


Reach has developed multiple areas to provide all relevant information and access to support. The Reach team is continually working to improve the platform for you the customer/daily user and with 400+ schools, suggestions and requests also assist with improvement and growth.

The support areas are as follows; 

User Guides 
Mobile App User Guide
While in the Reach web portal, click the top of the main menu.
Go To: Help >> Mobile App User Guide
Quick Link Staff Mobile App User Guide  

Web User Guide
While in the Reach web portal, click the  top of the main menu.
Go To: Help >> User Guide
Information Portal:   Reach Software Information Portal

Reach Help Center
While in the Reach web portal, click the  top of the main menu.
Go To: Help >> Support Website
Quick Link:  Reach Help Center

Support Bot
Go to:  Reach Support  
The Reach icon in the bottom right corner is an assistance bot with quick access to support.
Visibility settings are managed via;   System Configuration >> General  >> Support Chatbot

Click the icon, once open, three buttons are visible at the bottom of the menu.

Home - will open the Knowledge Base search option to type in a specific topic to search
Knowledge Base - highlighted blue – as the current menu, click this to open the library and then search for your required information
Tickets - once clicked will become blue and then submit a Ticket for action
Chat – will open the live chat help section 

Knowledge Base & Help Desk
At  the top of your Reach web portal, you will find a question mark icon. Clicking this icon will open a new web browser to the Reach Help Center, where you can search for answers, and if you need to, you can also create a support ticket for our help desk.
Quick Link: Reach Help Center

Email Contact 
(1)  You can contact Reach Support directly by sending an email to
(2)  Contact the Reach administrator within your school

Branding & Assets 

Reach is an extension of your school and can represent your establishment more closely with visual branding. The school name, emblems, badges/logos, and photos can all be managed by your team.  
For further information please read the Article: Branding and Assets

Use the File Manager to load your image files
Firstly, images are required to be uploaded to your Reach portal using the File Manager.                             
Data Management >> File Manager
Secondly, these image files can then be assigned to each part of your Reach portal.
System Configuration >> Assets

Web Portal
School Emblem 
  1. This will appear on your desktop login screen as seen in the above computer monitor image
  2. Once logged in, this image will also appear in the top left corner, the main menu bar
  3. As part of the setup phase Reach will add this item for you, this can be changed at any time
School Name on Login
  1. Your school name can be displayed on the desktop login. If you feel the school emblem shows the name and efficiently represents your school on login, this field can be hidden
Background Image
  1. This item is the image presented during login via a Web portal 
  2. If left blank, a default Reach emblem will appear

Mobile App
School Emblem
  1. This will appear centrally on the Mobile App once you have logged in
  2. As part of the setup phase, Reach will add this item for you, this can be changed at any time
Background Image
  1. Images can be made the same across your Reach portals. However, the Mobile App background image can be different.
  2. A size of 275px wide x 500px high is ideal.

Branding Management 
The Asset Configuration area provides a quick system to change or update your branding elements as will be seen across your Reach portal.
Go To: System Configuration >> Assets

BioPad and Kiosk Branding
These items can be utilised to facilitate self-access for the student body between locations, and provide additional opportunities for branding. To set the background image for BioPad and Kiosk; 
Go To: System Configuration >> Assets >> BioPad ® Horizontal Background

When using student sign-in / sign-out BioPads, there are two options;
1. The options for Vertical or Horizontal backgrounds area available
            Go To:  System Configuration >> Assets
2. A Headless BioPad can be set, this provides a blank screen, so that students are not able to see other student details using the BioPad. This setting will hide all Student photos and await a FOB/Card scan/Fingerprint in order to activate the specific Student.
            Go To:  System Configuration >> General

When using student sign-in sign-out Kiosks, a background can be set or you can provide a blank screen so that students are not able to see other student details. 
1. Headless - A headless Kiosk will hide all Student photos and await a FOB/Card scan in order to activate the specific Student.
            Go To:  System Configuration >> General
2. Blur – You can also Blur the Background on a Headless Kiosk 
            Go To:  System Configuration >> General

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