ARTICLE: Using Bulk View in Duty Reports to Create New Reports

ARTICLE: Using Bulk View in Duty Reports to Create New Reports

While it's not possible to edit an existing submission of a Duty Report, you can use the Bulk View and Submit New Report to recover the content and add or edit the content for resubmission.

  • In Staff > View Duty Reports select Bulk View

  • For categories you want to completely exclude from the New Report submission you can Hide From View via category.  Or, you can expand a category and hide individual submissions of past category entries if more than one submission is present. Select "To New Report" when ready to import comments into a new Duty Report.

  • Make your adjustment(s) to included content, Include Staff to Inform and a Date of Report for new submission of Duty Report.  Select Submit Duty report to resubmit as a new report.

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