ARTICLE: Medication Workflow and Definitions

ARTICLE: Medication Workflow and Definitions

Medication and students go hand-in-hand as a normal part of student life establishments. Reach created the Medications Module to facilitate this complex element and to provide an all-encompassing solution to your school's medications requirements. 

Workflow and Capabilities Snapshot  


Prescribed-Medications-Only (PMO) are medicines that are prescribed by doctors or nurses for students. You need a doctor's prescription to buy prescription medicines from a pharmacist. Otherwise, only authorised health care professionals can supply them, such as in a hospital setting.

Over-The-Counter (OTC) medications are medicines that can be purchased over-the-counter from pharmacies, for self-treatment, with selected products also available in supermarkets, health food stores, and other retailers.

Medication Type
Each medicine must belong to a Medication Type. Medication types can be Prescribed-Medications-Only (PMO) or Over-The-Counter (OTC) medication. The Medication Type will determine how the medicine can be assigned or made available to students. It also determines how the medicine can be administered.

Medication Category
Within each Medication Type, are Categories of medicines. Each medicine must belong to a Type and a Category so that staff permissions and parental permits for OTCs can be managed.

Daily Medication Board
The Daily Medications Board is the dashboard where all medications are dispensed, including OTC's. This Dashboard is a split-table, the top section contains a list of Scheduled Medications for the day and their current status and the bottom section contains a list of all PMO & OTC medicines that have been administered for the day. 

Scheduled Medication
Scheduled Medications are medicines that have a designated dosage and delivery time for students. This Dashboard list includes all PMO medications or OTC medications that have been prescribed by a doctor or nurse with required administering for the day.

Administered Medication
Administered Medications is a daily list of medications that have already been administered to students. This includes the scheduled PMO and OTC medications and any ad-hoc OTC medications that have been administered that were not scheduled.

Additional information regarding the Medication Module: 

Medication Module - Document Webinar

Medication Overview - Document

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