ARTICLE: Medication - Basic Overview

ARTICLE: Medication - Basic Overview

Medication and students go hand-in-hand as a normal part of student life establishments. Reach created the Medications Module to facilitate this complex element and to provide an all-encompassing solution to your school's medications requirements. This document will provide a brief overview while providing links to all other Medication information within the Knowledge Base (at time of writing).

Welcome to the Medication Module: Webinar / Document

System Setup Tasks


The initial task is to decide how staff groups can access the medication module, this is done via Infinity settings, by Role.

Staff - Profiles

It is important to setup staff with permissions, at an individual level, this allows another level of control within a staff group.

Nurse - Profiles

A specific Role can be created in Infinity settings for nursing staff, even if their is only one nurse, or one part-time. 
Reach provides functions that are designed for nursing staff, with default emails and reporting.
Setting up the Role - Setup Access  /  Permission to Administer
How to use the functions - Nurse Reporting  /  Dispensary Reports  /  Nurse Emails

Medicines - Categories / Medication / Conditions

This setup includes an initial data loading and on-going maintenance, regarding medication and medical conditions.

Student - Profiles

The medical data for individual students is vital, and can be added to Reach in a number of ways, from Emergency Contacts and insurance details, to notes and documents to medical Conditions and current Medications.

Parent - Profiles

Manage how a parent can view and edit medical details from their Reach login, so they can allow or deny specific medications for individual students.



The Dispensary is designed to display the daily list of Student Medications in one convenient location, to manage the administering process.


Students may need to stop taking medication for a duration of time, so, to avoid receiving any scheduled Dispensary reminders, you can pause the medication until a set date
This also allows a school to avoid inaccurately recording those instances as missed doses.


The Reach Platform generates data from every action within the platform for historical reporting requirements, including all medical actions.

Video Links

All Staff Videos can be found here:  Staff User

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