ARTICLE: Parents as Host for another Student

ARTICLE: Parents as Host for Another Student

It is quite common in the world of parents, children, and schools, that parents often become guardians of other children, we help our family, our neighbors, our child's best friend.
Reach developed hosts and guardians within the system so that a student with a profile in Reach, can be connected with their parents profiles, if their aunty will pick them up from school some days, her profile and details can be connected also. This ultimately makes the front desk and safe student sign-outs much faster and easier.

Here we discuss a parent being the host for another student, in real life and within the Reach portal.

A common occurrence, is when parents log into their profile to see data from their child, and also see data from another student. This we call 'partial visibility', as the parent can see leave requests, event attendance, but not be able to see any private details of that students profile. This happens via Association within Reach. A student profile is created and all approved adult profiles are associated (connected) to that profile within Reach. These linked profiles provide enormous benefits to the students, the parents and the hosts.

As can be seen in this parent login, Peggy Brown's account is noted in the top right corner, so the account should show her daughter Angela Brown, and it does. However, it also shows, in the drop-down menu, William and Jules. These students have been associated (connected) to Peggy via profiles within Reach. Peggy is listed as a host.

Partial visibility

Associated connections can be seen here, with parent Jenny Casey's profile, as she is associated with the following;
 - She is the mother to Nicola Casey / The host to JB Beatson / The host to Sarah Blades
Notifications - these do not affect the visibility of basic student data within a parent host

Visibility Protocol

Detailed as follows;
  • They will not and do not see all of the leave requests for a student that is not their own child
  • They will see only the leave requests of another child, if an associated parent host can approve the request
  • They can create a leave request for any child they are a host to from their Reach account
  • A leave request they create for another student is not approved until the child's parents and staff at the school approve it that leave request

Association Visibility 

Detailed information regarding Associations, please view this video - How to add a Host and Associate

If visibility is not required within a parent login, if the parent does not need to see the data, or if the school is to manage detailed visibility.
This process can be utilised; Create a separate identity.

GO TO: People Management > View Contacts > New Contact

Create a new profile - create that parent as a host
Security tab - Do not give this second identity a login or username
 - It will never be accessed, only used for the notifications of selected leave requests.
Associations tab - Connect this new profile to the student as a host

-The details of this second account will need to be maintained manually
-This account cannot be maintained for accuracy from your data sync to student information system
-Make sure in the Security tab you have "Managed by Sync" set to "No" so the contact won't be deleted with each of your system syncs


If a specific Leave Type requires hosts to approve a leave requests they are involved in, Reach recommends the following procedure;
  1. Terms and Conditions Document
    1. Uploading your schools standard T&C document here, this becomes the default document across your Reach Portal
  2. Require Address for Host
    1. Adjust this setting to Yes, to ensure Host address and Contact details are compulsory
    2. This will capture the required details of all new hosts added to the system
  3. Require Notifications for Hosts
    1. Adjust this setting to Yes, to ensure all Hosts are notified
    2. This ensures approval due diligence is implemented
    3. This also creates the opportunity to ensure the host has accepted the terms and conditions


Upload a leave terms and conditions document into your system.

GO TO: Data Management >> File Manager
  1. This ensures that every approval you receive is acknowledging that they terms and conditions of your leave will be adhered to
  2. It is essential protection for your school and staff
  3. It appears as a hyperlink link on every authorization request

Set approval workflow so that approval actors "must accept T&C"

GO TO: System Configuration  >> Leave Types
  1. When creating / editing each Leave Type, update the Terms and Conditions settings, so that 'Read & Accept' becomes compulsory
  2. This forces the host to acknowledge the terms and conditions before they can approve the leave request

Additional Information

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