The Check-in Summary is a view only area, providing a quick look at the historical reporting of the student population per rollcall/day.
Main Menu >> Rollcall Management >> Check-in Summary
Check-in Summary
Select the required Rollcall Category from the drop down menu, then select the specific date to view, and click Search.
NOTE: Rollcall Categories are created and managed by your school.
Reach displays the selected data, in this example, the Breakfast rollcall category has been selected and the 23rd of October.
The layout per row is a breakdown of the total student population registered in Reach;
- Top Row breaks down the numbers by House/Dorm
- Bottom Row breaks down the numbers by Year/Grade
The layout per Group also breaks down to display the check-in results of this particular rollcall;
In this example the dorm 'Hamilton' indicates 37 students reside in that dorm.
- Green number 4 indicates the number of students present during the rollcall
- Orange number 1 indicates the student with an alternate status, such as being late
- Red number 32 indicates the number of students absent at time of marking
The total of these three numbers equals the total number of dorm residents, 37.
To click on any of these coloured numbers will reveal a drop down view of the students, scroll to view all.