ARTICLE: Roster Management

ARTICLE: Roster Management

This Roster section provides a simple display with easy functionality to create staff shifts, and edit or delete them quickly. 

GO TO: Main Menu >> Staff >> Roster Management

Staff Rostering is an Extension module that must be enabled within your subscription base for it to be activated in your school's Reach portal.

Here is an example of a roster system being used for a demo school.

In this example we can see the selector options across the top and the calendar which fills the majority of the screen, scroll up and down as required to see time slots.

Here, we zoom into the selector options, and from the top left we see;
  1. 'Views' - Which changes the layout, including; Calendar View, Shift View, People View
  2. 'Roster selector' - This example school has three available rosters
  3. 'Time Unit' - Which also changes the layout, with three options; 1h, 30m, 15m
  4. 'Bulk Actions' Allows you to copy or delete items, publish or unpublish items, or copy items to a new roster.
  5. Navigation - On the next line down
    1. Select 'Month / Week / Day' then use the left/right arrows to move by month
    2. Alternatively, select 'List' and the left/right arrows will move per month.

Creating Rosters

GO TO: System Configuration > Lookups

Add a Lookup type, as a Roster for any need your school may require, and each roster will become visible in Roster Management and individual profiles to manage their access.
Further Lookups detail is provided here: Setup Lookups 

Staff Roster Access

There are two parts to managing access, first; who has access to manage rosters, and secondly; who has access to which specific rosters.?

First - Infinity Permission
 - GO TO: System Configuration >> Infinity
 - Click on the blue 'Edit' icon for the line item of the staff required
 - Select the 'Permissions' tab from the left side
 - Scroll down to 'Roster' and ensure ROSTER_MANAGER is highlighted
 - Scroll up and click on 'General' then be sure to Save

Second - Individual Profile >> Roster Tab
 - This method controls which roster an individual has access to manage
 - Within the Roster tab, simple select or deselect the items 
 - Be sure to save your changes

Create and Edit a Shift 

With Roster Management open and ready, simply click on any free space on the calendar, the Shift Details window will appear for you to manage the shift required.

Enter the shift details as required, with label, colour and date range. If multiple rosters are in use, here you can select the specific roster to use. 
At the top you will see 'Shift Details' & 'Assigned Staff', click this second tab to add the required staff to the shift you are creating now.
Be sure to click Save and check the details are correct.

To edit any current item, simply click on the pencil icon shown on that item, the Shift Details window will appear.

Bulk Actions

Select the items required, then click on the Bulk Actions drop-down menu, here you can copy or delete items, publish or unpublish items, or copy items to a new roster.
Working our way down the list, let's explain;
  1. To 'Copy' items to a new date, you will be asked to select a new date
  2. To 'Delete' items, you will be asked to confirm the deletion
  3. To 'Copy' items to a new roster, you will be asked to select which roster to add your copy
  4. To 'Publish' items, you will be asked to confirm the action
    1. This will update the status in the shift details
    2. An email will be sent to the staff members listed with this shift
    3. They are provided details of the shift
    4. They are also provided the opportunity to Decline the shift, but they must provide a reason
  5. To 'Unpublish' items, you will be asked to confirm the action
    1. This will update the status in the shift details

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