ARTICLE: Viewing Student Pastoral Notes

ARTICLE: Viewing Student Pastoral Notes

Understanding and tracking pastoral information for students is a vital element of building historical data, and developing pastoral care.  Pastoral data can be viewed and reported in many ways, so as to mold individual student outcomes or to create systems for your schools Pastoral programs.

When an individual Pastoral note is created, the visibility access will be set to either Confidential, Sensitive or Staff view.
Based on accessibility settings and the permissions set to each staff account, you may not have access to view Pastoral notes for some or all students.
Medical, Medications and Wellbeing note categories can also be selected for viewing in Current Pastoral Reports, Pastoral Overview, Pastoral History, Boarder Summary, and Pastoral Reports screens for users who have visibility access.
Administrators - Please see additional links at the end of this article, regarding; 'Pastoral Note Visibility Settings & How to Manage'

Viewing Pastoral Notes 

>> Current Pastoral Reports

To view the most recently submitted pastoral notes, go to Pastoral Menu >> Current Pastoral Reports.  This table enables you to select and view a pastoral note and its details.  Dependent upon your profile accessibility settings, you can Save Additional Notes, Mark As Addressed, Delete or Edit the Pastoral Report.  Supporting and relevant  Documents can also be uploaded to the pastoral note.  The Current Pastoral Reports table is able to be sorted by column for ease of locating common entries and the search bar can be utilized for quick queries to search isolated names/terms within the current pastoral reports.

>> Pastoral Overview

A quick summary view is available via Pastoral Menu >> Pastoral Overview . Set a date range, filter to specific incident types, or use the Search bar to filter specific items. A calendar view is presented with icons indicating the pastoral records created, color coded and abbreviated to indicate the pastoral category and severity.  Click on a colour icon of a pop-up view of 'quick-info' and click to view individual report directly.  Using the column headers, you can adjust the display as required, at this point, you are able to export via the Download Spreadsheet button.

System Configurations allows you to configured Incident Types are Pastoral Categories as required.  The ability to create and manage Pastoral Categories is determined by Infinity settings and individual permissions, as set by your school's Reach Administrator.

>> Pastoral History

Go to Student Sidebar >> History and select the plus icon next to Pastoral History, click on 'Week' to adjust the viewable date range. This will list all Pastoral records recorded to the student's profile in chronological order. Click any item in the Pastoral History list to open and view that individual item. 

>> Boarder Summary

Go to Dashboards >> Boarder Summary and select the required student. This will list all pastoral records in chronological order similar to Pastoral History in the Student Sidebar, but with a click to view on screen rather than open a new screen. Boarder Summary can also be accessed via the Student Summary, click on the three line icon under the photo.

>> Pastoral Reports

Go to Reports >> Instant Reports >> Pastoral Reports, and adjust the filters, select a date range as required and click Generate. Adjust the search parameters and column headers as required and export when ready.

Additional Information

Items related to Pastoral, Medical, and Wellbeing

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