ARTICLE: Pastoral Management - Basic overview

ARTICLE: Pastoral Management - Basic overview

Pastoral record keeping and historical data is an important part of student life management and the Reach platform allows you to maintain/view/export relevant records of student behaviour over time. A complete chronological history of your schools pastoral actions are recorded and maintained to access at anytime. Additionally the pastoral history for individual students is catalogued and quickly viewable in a number of ways.

Main Menu  >>  Pastoral Management

Pastoral Management - Menu Options Explained

Create Pastoral Report

 This form allows you to create a pastoral report, many functions are provided to detail the report as required.
 -  Individual or multiple students can be added in the Primary position
 - While additional students can be added via the Associated section
 - You may choose to inform students and/or parents upon form submission
 - Select individual staff members or a staff group to inform upon form submission
 - Select a incident type to which the report pertains
 - Adjust the reports visibility 
 - Add detailed notes as required
  1. Document - Create Pastoral Reports   /  Video - Create Pastoral Reports

Current Pastoral Reports

This table displays the most recent pastoral reports.
Use the arrows in the column headers to rank the data. Each line item shows brief details of that report, click on the line item to open the full report details, and depending on accessibility settings, edit or add additional notes.
Pastoral reports can also be viewed via the Student Sidebar and full historical data can be accessed via Instant Reports > Pastoral, to view/export as required.

Pastoral Overview

This screen also displays reports as a quick view area, however with the standard Reach filters provided and a date range selector, fine tuning a search is quick and easy. Adjust as required, select an incident type and click search. Scroll up and down to view results, use the slide bar at the bottom to view larger date ranges. Use the arrows per column header to rank the data, or use the search bar to find a specific item.
Adjust filters and the date range as required and then export the data as a spreadsheet download.

Pastoral Points Aggregator

This aggregator is the score board for the points accrued via the integrated pastoral report system, the hub for all points dataThis hub allows you filter by various properties and aggregate a score by group. This resulting data can also be exported as a spreadsheet. 
 - Using the standard Reach filters, select the required group
 - Select specific incident types to filter, or search all
 - Select the date range to view
 - Using the property selector, choose one group to rank the data
 - Click Generate to start the report

The table displays the results, as you scroll down, you will see data grouped by the property item selected. Select a different property to view the data via a different group setting. Adjust all filters and date range as required to select data. Use the arrows in each column header to adjust the display. The data can be exported once you have moved through the filter variations and found the required data set.
  1. Document - Pastoral Points Video Pastoral Points

Additional Information

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