ARTICLE: Create Pastoral Report

ARTICLE: Create Pastoral Report

Pastoral record keeping and historical data is an important part of student life management and the Reach platform allows you to maintain/view/export relevant records of student behaviour over time.

Create Pastoral Reports

GO TO: Pastoral Management >> Create Pastoral Report

The Pastoral Report form allows you to create specific details, many options are provided here to tag students, staff, report types, dates, access, scores add specific notes and upload documents.
Primary and Associated Student fields allow you to select an individual in each field, or multiples. Start typing the student name and select from the dropdown, or click on the green arrow and select from the menu.

The Student Sidebar can also be used to create quick pastoral reports for the selected individual only, this can be a more efficient process for logging simple notes. 
Click on the three line Student Sidebar menu in the top right corner, select the student, then click on the note icon, complete the details and click Save.

Additional Pastoral Reporting location
GO TO: Staff >> Submit Duty Reports
While completing Duty Reports, you can use the "Mention of Student" feature in the Rich Text field, click on this button, a pop-up will appear to detail your Pastoral Note requirement.
Pastoral Notes added here will also be saved and historically reportable within the Pastoral Note system.

Notify fields 
These four options allow you to include primary or associated students and/or parents, they will receive a notification when the Pastoral Note is saved.
NOTE: Infinity and Permission settings can effect how staff access and use Pastoral Notes.

Staff to inform
Use this field the same as the primary student field, start typing to select an individual/multiple or use the green arrow to use the menu system.

Type of Pastoral Report
Click and select from the drop down menu.
The menu items are pre-configured as Pastoral Lookups via Systems Configurations.

Access Level
Select from either Staff Only, Sensitive or Confidential.
NOTE: Infinity and Permission settings can effect how staff access and use Pastoral Notes.

Relevant Date
Specific date and time can be added for your report, reports can also be tagged as pre or post current date.
 - Eg, if additional reports are required days later, or if, when busy, we forget to write the report.

Pastoral Points
If your school is utilising the points system from students, use this field to submit a positive or negative number to reflect the report.

Utilised to your schools discretion, when creating a report, you can add a tag, that you have created to reference anything that is required, also add multiple tags, when you submit the report, the tags will save to your schools reach system, to be used in future as required.
Your school may develop a system for your tags, or just use the current abbreviation used within your school.
Eg, 'Wall' - short for Wallace dorm / 'Bball-A' - short for Basketball Academy / ' BT-Jun-'23'  - short for Beach Trip June 2023

Attached Files 
Drag and drop or search to upload the files you require to add to this report.

Report Details
This Rich Text Free Form editor allows you to detail your report with many formatting functions, including adding links and images.

View Pastoral Reports

GO TO: Reporting >> Instant Reports >> Pastoral Reports

Submitted Pastoral Reports are recorded to a Boarder's profile in the Pastoral History section of the Student Sidebar.

Alternate quick view
GO TO: Student Sidebar >> History Tab >> Pastoral history

Add Follow-Up Notes to existing Pastoral Records
Staff can open and add additional notes to any existing pastoral Report on the student's historic record.

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