T&C Setup
Upload Documents
The first step is to upload the required document/s
GO TO: Data Management >> File Manager

Note: If you do not have access, please contact your schools Reach administrator to activate permission settings in your profile.
In the File Manager, Reach recommends that you add a folder specifically for Policies.
Click on New folder, create a name, save and then Once you have the required folder, simply upload your documents, upload as many as is required, be sure to name them well for ease of use later.
Implement Document
GO TO: System Configuration >> Leave General
Here you can view the current document via box 2616, Terms and Conditions Document.
Click View - this will download the document for perusal
Click Clear - a pop-up will appear asking for you to confirm the action
Once you have cleared any document, you can then add the new T&C document.
This document is the default across all leave types, unless there is a specific override document that has been activated.
Override Document
GO TO: System Configuration >> Leave Types
The Leave Types page will present a table of all current items, as created and managed by your school.
Click on a leave item that requires an override T&C document, in this example we have Movies.
The blue bar is provided to add the specific T&C document for this leave type. Click / add / save.
Activate Compulsory Document
Once you have added your specific leave type document, it must be activated, so as to appear in emails and across Reach as required.
While still within this leave type, select the Actors tab from the top menu.
Here we can see level one is set to parent, with Email communication only, as noted by the three blue ticks.
One more blue tick on this page, which has now been activated, is the Terms and Conditions field, selecting this item, the T&C document must be accepted to approve the leave request.
This setting is the activation to force compulsory acknowledgment of terms within the email leave approval process.
Reach recommends the email setting for compulsory terms and conditions approvals, as the process requires internet access, this better ensures the approval can be confirmed.
Once you have finished adjusting the leave type, be sure to save and save changes.
View and Update Override Document
The Leave Types table that lists all current items, will indicate in the label column, that a T&C override document is current.
Click on that item.
The blue and red bars indicate there is a current override document.
Click on blue to view
Click on red to clear and upload another
Or, clear the document, to auto return to the default T&C document.
Content Templates
T&C documents can be created in Reach !