ARTICLE: Duty Report Templates

ARTICLE: Duty Report Templates

Duty Report Templates allow customization to display different Report Categories, these are based on the Duty Report type that is required.  Examples may include; End of Shift Report for Staff, Student Study Hall Report, or Maintenance Report.
To get started, please view the following document;
Setup categories, before Templates;  Create Duty Report Categories

Template Setup

GO TO: System Configurations >> Duty Report Templates

Here we can see the current template items, their label name and category.
To edit, simply click on a line item, edit and remember to Save Changes.
To create a new item, click in the green Add Template button.

Add the label name and select a category for your new item. Be sure to Save Changes on the Details page and the Templates page.

Template Default

GO TO: System Configurations >> General >> Default Duty Report Template
The selected Template will appear every time the staff open 'Submit Duty Report' to create a new item.

The option to change the duty report template is always available via the Report Template drop-down menu.

Duty Report Emails & Reporting

Emails shared to Staff will display the Report Template name at the top.

GO TO: Staff >> View Duty Reports
To view submitted reports select the date range and click Search.
The results appear as a table, the Template column shows the report name.
Use the up/down arrows in the column headers to rank date and use the Bulk View feature to export that data.

Duty Report Access & Permissions

Access can be controlled via System Configurations >> Infinity to allow or deny entire group Roles.
Permissions for individual control can be managed via the personal profile, Permissions Tab.
The four current controls appear as follows, tick on or off to manage the access required.

Additional information

Detailed information regarding Duty Reports throughout the Reach platform, is available via the following items;

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