ARTICLE: Lists - Basic Overview

ARTICLE: Lists - Basic Overview

The 'Lists Manager' module allows schools to create an unlimited number of lists, which can be used to collect data from your system users. Lists are like forms, with questions that are answered by your audience and with answers that can be used to influence how your Reach portal operates. This document provides an basic overview of the menu items available with links to additional relevant information.

GO TO: Main Menu >> REACH: Lists

Consent Form Management

GO TO: Lists >> Consent Form Management

Once your consent form has gone live and individuals are taking action, you can follow the data within the consent form management screen, which is displays all Consent Forms, this table provides a quick overview of your schools historic form data, to click on a line item, that specific item will open to display all associated data, allowing you to track the activities, view the data, edit as required or send bulk notifications pending / declined users.

List Designer

GO TO: Lists >> List Designer
This table displays all current List items and the date range of their visibility, to click on a line item you can view / edit the details of that item. Click on the 'New List' button to build and configure a new list or form, here you will set the questions to be used in the list and the mechanics of how the List will operate, who the audience is and how often they will see the list, etc.

List Management

GO TO: Lists >> List Management

All available lists are displayed here, simply click on the required item from the left side list, and it will open to provide all current data. Use the tools provided on the Action panel to Toggle Lists, Save Changes, select dates or create Leave Requests. Use the standard Reach filters in conjunction with the Action tools to manage your list as required. 
Rank your results by clicking on the column header that you want to rank your data by.  
Update data in the responses table by viewing the data, update any fields that need to be completed or edited. Sometimes there may be hidden fields that need completing by staff prior to using the list for its intended purpose or perhaps there are changes to existing data that need to be updated.
Automatically reset a list to a schedule set in your visibility type setting. For example, Daily lists will reset (clear) its response data every day.
Once you have completed your required tasks or filter actions, you can download or export the data using the two green buttons provided.

My Consent Forms

GO TO: Lists >> My Consent Forms

Staff members and parents will receive Consent Forms, if they have been added to the 'Audience', by using the setting of that form.
 - staff may be added if their consent is required to attend special events/locations with students

Any forms that appear here require your action to approve or decline the request, simply click on a line item and the details will be provided, individuals can review the form before they approve or decline the item.

Question Management

GO TO: Lists >> Question management

You can manage questions in two ways in the Lists module. 
  1. You can create questions for each list individually in the Lists Designer section.
    1. There is no need to use the Question Management section when creating questions in the list itself
  2. Build a set of Question Templates which can be selected and used in multiple lists
    1. Question Templates must be created in the Question Management section and saved to your Question Bank for use later
The structure and design of each question is the same regardless of whether it is a Question Template of a list specific question.  The only difference in these questions is whether the question is available for use in more than one list. The procedure for creating a question is the same whether you are creating the question for a single list or saving to the Question Bank.

Question Templates can be created with the purpose of reusability, an unlimited number of templates can be created for your school and these can be used in as many lists as required.
It is not uncommon for some questions to be similar across lists, so a Question Template can save a great deal of time by setting the question structure once and then add it to any Lists.
Creating Questions can be done via Question Management or List Designer, alternatively, questions that will only be used in a single list, can be created directly in the List Designer section.

Additional information

Further details can be found via the following links;
Consent Forms  /  Consent Form Management  /  My Consent Forms
Reach : Lists  /  List Designer  /  List management

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