ARTICLE: Question Management

ARTICLE: Question Management

Question Management is part of the larger 'Lists Manager' module available to the Reach platform, which allows schools to create an unlimited number of lists, which can be used to collect data from your system users. Lists are like forms, with questions that are answered by your audience and with answers that can be used to influence how your Reach portal operates.

GO TO: Main Menu >> REACH: Lists >> Question Management 

You can manage questions in two ways in the Lists module. 
  1. You can create questions for each list individually in the Lists Designer section.
    1. There is no need to use the Question Management section when creating questions in the list itself
  2. Build a set of Question Templates which can be selected and used in multiple lists
    1. Question Templates must be created in the Question Management section and saved to your Question Bank for use later
The structure and design of each question is the same regardless of whether it is a Question Template of a list specific question.  The only difference in these questions is whether the question is available for use in more than one list. The procedure for creating a question is the same whether you are creating the question for a single list or saving to the Question Bank.

Question Templates

Question templates are questions that you can re-use in as many lists as you want.  It is not uncommon for some questions to be similar across lists so using a Question Template for these types of questions means that you only have to set the question structure up once and you can then select it for use in any Lists that you design.

Question Management Table

Your question bank is the table of Question Templates that are available for use in any of your lists. Questions that are created as templates are available for viewing and editing in your Question management Table.

Question Types

There are a number of question types that you can select from when creating questions to use in your lists. Each type of question allows you to gather different types of information.

Using Participant Properties as questions
Participant properties not really a question. They are pre-filled fields for each audience member (eg: year or house of a student). They can be added to your list so that relevant information can be included in your list output results table to make it easier to use the data that is captured by your list.

Participant properties are usually not shown to the audience and are added to your list only to ensure the important info you need in your output data is visible to you.

Creating Questions

Questions can be created from either the Question Management section or in the List Designer section of the Lists module. Questions that you will only use in one list are single use questions and you can create these questions directly in the List Designer section.

If you want to create a question that can be used in multiple lists then you must create a Question Template in the Question Management table so that your question is saved to the question bank as a Question Template.
  1. Clicking on the New Question button in the Question Management table will open the Question Details screen
  2. Clicking on the Add button in the Question Actions section of the List Designer will give you the option of selecting an existing question or to create a new question for use in that list only

Question Details screen

Depending on which screen you are accessing from, the New Question or Add > New Question buttons will open the Question Details screen where you can design your question type, rules and available answers (for drop down select questions).

There are five (5) settings that you need to specify for each question.

Setting Available Answers for Drop Down Select questions
When using drop down select questions you need to present a range of options for the audience to select from. There are set as Available Answers in your question.
  1. You can set as many available answers as you wish for a drop down select question
  2. Reach will display these alphabetically in the drop down selector unless you set an ordinal (sequence) that you want them to display.
  3. Set the Representative value to zero. This field is not yet in operation but will, in the future, allow you to build scores based on audience responses.

Using Lookups in your Questions

Your questions have the ability to include existing Reach data fields (ie: Reach Lookups) as part of the question set. These can be used as a selection option in drop down fields or they may also pre-populate the data field with a participant's system details so that you can include this data in your lists output table.

The following Reach Lookups can be used in your Lists:

Where Participant Property is used as a Lookup then you also need to select which Participant Property you would like to use.

Additional Information and Links

List Designer  /  List management
- Consent Form Management  /  Consent Forms

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