ARTICLE: List Designer

ARTICLE: List Designer

The List Designer  is part of the larger 'Lists Manager' module, which allows schools to create an unlimited number of lists, which can be used to collect data from your system users. The List Designer is where you design and configure lists. 

GO TO: Main Menu >> REACH : Lists >> List Designer

This table displays all current List items and the date range of their visibility, to click on a line item you can view / edit the details of that item. Click on the 'New List' button to build and configure a new list (Form), here you will set the questions to be used in the list and the mechanics of how the List will operate, who the audience is and how often they will see the list, etc.

How to Design a List

Lists, similar to a paper form, only they are presented to the audience in a digital format , these lists will be delivered via your users Reach login, either on web browser or through the mobile app.

There are three (3) steps to designing your list;
Step 1    List Configuration
Step 2    Set your Audience
Step 3    Define your Questions

Configure the List rules

As we set the 'basic rules' for how your list will function, we must configure the list details .

Name of the List/Form
Create a name for the New List that provides a clear reference to it's purpose. 

Validity Type
"When" do you want to display your List or Form?  There are three (3) types of validity or frequency that you can set.
  1. Date Range
    1. This will set a defined start date and end date for your list
    2. This date selection will enable the list to be visible to your participants
  2. Days of the Week
    1. Allows you to decide which days of the week your list will be displayed
    2. This is ideal for daily lists that are required to appear on the same day(s) each week
    3. Your list or form will clear any collected data at the end of each day and begin the next day with blank list
    4. You can select which day(s) the list will appear for your participants
  3. Days of the Week with Buffer
    1. Allows you to set a more flexible visibility range on a daily or multi-day basis for your list
    2. This is ideal for lists that you want to make available to participants for more than one day at a time on a weekly cycle (eg: list opens Mon and closes Wed each week).
Notification Method
Allows you to set how staff will be notified about data being submitted in your lists or forms. 
Options available are as follows;
  1. All Participants Completion
    1. Intended staff contacts will be notified only when all of the participants have submitted their data
  2. Notify at Scheduled Date/Time
    1. Intended staff contacts will be notified at a scheduled Date and Time
  3. Notify at Closure Date/Time
    1. Intended staff contacts will be notified when the list or form closes (ie: no longer visible to any participants)
Active or Inactive
Lists can be active or inactive. Only Active Lists will follow the Validity Type and Notification methods settings. Inactive lists are not visible to participants.

Select List Participants

There are two types of participants in your lists;
  1. Your audience - Students (or parents) who are invited to complete the list
  2. Staff to be informed about the list
Setting your participants is simple.
Use the Audience filters to select specific dorms / years / groups, with an option to include parents.
You can also select specific people by using the 'Select People to Notify' button.

Students who are set to be participants for the list will have the list available to them when they log into Reach on the web portal or mobile app. 
Parents will be notified in the same way as the parents, via their Reach login.
Staff selected as the supervisors for the list will be notified if there are any notifications set in the configuration of your list rules. You do not need to set any staff to be notified for the list to be operational.

Define the Questions

Questions are the content of your list, and the means to collect your required data. Use the Questions Actions section and follow the prompts.
You can add questions from question templates that you may have already saved to your question bank or you can create new questions by using the 'Add' button.

Note: Any questions added to your list as 'New Questions',  will be added to the question bank when you save the list.

Add Existing Question
Click on the Add Existing Question button to open the Select Existing Question modal, here you must configure three (3) settings;
  1. Select which Question to add to your List
    1. Select your Question from the table 
    2. Questions may only be used once in your List
  2. Set the Order for the Question
    1. You can arrange Questions in sequence by using the Ordinal setting
    2. Questions will display in alphabetical order if no ordinal is set
  3. Set whether your participants can see the Question
    1. Set whether your participants can see the Question
    2. Sometimes you may want to add Silent Questions to your list of form that provides supporting data for your output or provides fields that only your staff can see and complete when managing the list in List Management before downloading your output
Adding New Questions
Within the Question Actions section, click the green Add button and select New Question, the pop-up window appears, follow the prompts to create. 

Hidden Questions
Not all questions need to be seen by your audience, in these instances, questions can be set to *not* be visible to the participants in your list
 - Sometimes data is required, however a question is not needed to acquire the data - eg: a student's year group
 - Sometimes data requires an update once the information is collected - eg: a Bus departure time may depend on the submitted times for your daily activities

Published List
Once your list is complete and saved, Reach will publish the List according to the set schedule of List.
When a participant receives the list, they can answer the questions, then submit the list.
The data will be available in the List Management Screen when any data is submitted, this way you can track who has or has not completed the list. 

Additional Information

Further details can be found via the following links;
Reach : Lists  /  Lists - Basic Overview 
- List Designer  /  List management

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